## Defined variables #set ($bodybg = "#ffffff") #set ($bodyfg = "#000000") #set ($bodylink = "#525D76") #set ($bannerbg = "#525D76") #set ($bannerfg = "#ffffff") #set ($subbannerbg = "#828DA6") #set ($subbannerfg = "#ffffff") #set ($tablethbg = "#039acc") #set ($tabletdbg = "#a0ddf0") #set ($notebackground = "#bbbb00") #set ($space = " ") #set ($space = $space.charAt(0)) #set ($udsc = "_") #set ($udsc = $udsc.charAt(0)) #set ($imgdir = "$relativePath/images") #set ($sshotdir = "$imgdir/screenshots" ) #set ($cssdir = "$relativePath/css") #set ($year = $date.getYear()+1900) #document() ## This is where the macros live #macro ( sectionlink $anchor) #if($anchor)#end #end #macro ( table $table) #foreach ( $items in $table.getChildren() ) #if ($items.getName().equals("tr")) #tr ($items) #end #end
#end #macro ( tr $tr) #foreach ( $items in $tr.getChildren() ) #if ($items.getName().equals("td")) #td ($items) #elseif ($items.getName().equals("th")) #th ($items) #end #end #end #macro ( td $value) #if ($value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #set ($colspan = $value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #set ($rowspan = $value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #end #if ($value.getText().length() != 0) $xmlout.outputString($value, true) #else   #end #end #macro ( th $value) #if ($value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #set ($colspan = $value.getAttributeValue("colspan")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #set ($rowspan = $value.getAttributeValue("rowspan")) #end #if ($value.getText().length() != 0 || $value.hasChildren()) $xmlout.outputString($value, true) #else   #end #end #macro ( projectanchor $name $value ) #if ($value.startsWith("http://")) $name #elseif ($value.startsWith("/site")) $name #else $name #end #end #macro ( metaauthor $author $email ) #end #macro ( image $value ) #if ($value.getAttributeValue("width")) #set ($width=$value.getAttributeValue("width")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("height")) #set ($height=$value.getAttributeValue("height")) #end #if ($value.getAttributeValue("align")) #set ($align=$value.getAttributeValue("align")) #end #end #macro ( source $value)
#end #macro (properties $properties)

Parameters #if ($properties.getParent().getName() == 'component') #set ($name = $properties.getParent().getAttributeValue("name").replace($space,$udsc)) #set ($suff = "_parms") #sectionlink ("$name$suff") #end

#foreach ($items in $properties.getChildren("property")) #end
$items.getAttributeValue("name") #runloop($items) #if("$!items.getAttributeValue('required')" != "") $items.getAttributeValue("required") #else No #end

#end #macro (seeAlso $seeAlso)

See Also:

#end #macro (figure $figure) #set ($width = "") #set ($width = $figure.getAttributeValue('width') ) #set ($height = "") #set ($height = $figure.getAttributeValue('height') ) #set ($dim= "") #if ("$!width" != "") #set ($dim = "width='$width' height='$height'") #end


#end #macro (example $example) #sectionlink ($example.getAttributeValue("anchor"))


#runloop($example) #end #macro (note $note)


#end #macro (scope $scope) #if ($scope.getText() == "")
scope #else $scope.getText() #end #end ## #macro ( bugzilla $id) Bug $id.getText() #end #macro (unknown $u_node) #if($u_node.getName() == "note") #note($u_node) #elseif($u_node.getName() == "complink") #complink($u_node) #elseif($u_node.getName() == "figure") #figure($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName() == "links") #seeAlso ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName() == "properties") #properties ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName() == "example") #example ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName().equals("source")) #source ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName().equals("table")) #table ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName().equals("component")) #component($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName().equals("subsection")) #subsection ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName().equals("scope")) #scope ($u_node) #elseif ($u_node.getName().equals("bugzilla")) #bugzilla ($u_node) #else #outputTag($u_node) #runloop($u_node) #outputEndTag($u_node) #end #end #macro (complink $complink) $complink.getAttributeValue("name") #end #macro (outputTag $tag) <$tag.getName()#getAtts($tag)> #end #macro (getAtts $tag) #foreach ($att in $tag.getAttributes()) $att.getName()="$att.getValue()"#end #end #macro (outputEndTag $tag) #end #macro (runloop $itemToLoop) #foreach ($rl_node in $itemToLoop.getContent()) #if($rl_node.getClass().getName().indexOf("Element") > -1) #unknown($rl_node) #else $rl_node.getText() #end #end #end #macro ( component $component) #set ($screenshot = "") #set ($screenshot = $component.getAttributeValue('screenshot') ) #set ($width = "") #set ($width = $component.getAttributeValue('width') ) #set ($height = "") #set ($height = $component.getAttributeValue('height') ) #set ($dim= "") #if ("$!width" != "") #set ($dim = "width='$width' height='$height'") #end #if($component.getAttribute("useinstead")) #end

$!component.getAttributeValue("index") $component.getAttributeValue("name") #sectionlink ($component.getAttributeValue("name"))

*** This element is deprecated. Use $component.getAttributeValue("useinstead") instead ***
#foreach ( $c_items in $component.getChildren() ) #if ($c_items.getName().equals("description")) #runloop($c_items) #if ("$!screenshot" != "")

Control Panel

#end #else #unknown($c_items) #end #end

#end #macro ( subsection $subsection)
$subsection.getAttributeValue("name") #sectionlink ($subsection.getAttributeValue("anchor"))
#foreach ( $su_items in $subsection.getChildren() ) #if ($su_items.getName().equals("img")) #image ($su_items) #else #unknown($su_items) #end #end

#end #macro (pagelinks) #if (("$!next" != "") || ("$!prev" != "")) #if ("$!next" != "") #end #if ("$!prev" != "") #end
#end #end #macro ( section $section)
#set ($anchor = $section.getAttributeValue("anchor")) #if($anchor)#end$section.getAttributeValue("name")#if($anchor)#sectionlink ($anchor)#end
#foreach ( $s_items in $section.getChildren() ) #if ($s_items.getName().equals("img")) #image ($s_items) #else #unknown($s_items) #end #end

#end #macro ( makeProject ) #set ($menus = $project.getChild("body").getChildren("menu")) #foreach ( $menu in $menus )


#end #end #macro (makeIndex $subsections) #end #macro (getProjectImage) #if ($project.getChild("logo")) #set ( $logoString = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("href") ) #set ( $logoHeight = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("height") ) #set ( $logoWidth = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("width") ) Jakarta #set ( $logoString = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("href") ) #set ( $logoHeight = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("height") ) #set ( $logoWidth = $project.getChild("logo").getAttributeValue("width") ) #if ( $logoString.startsWith("/") ) $project.getChild( #else $project.getChild( #end #else #end #end #macro (document) #set ($next = "") #set ($next = $root.getAttributeValue("next")) #set ($prev = "") #set ($prev = $root.getAttributeValue("prev")) #set ($authors = $root.getChild("properties").getChildren("author")) #foreach ( $au in $authors ) #metaauthor ( $au.getText() $au.getAttributeValue("email") ) #end $project.getChild("title").getText() - $root.getChild("properties").getChild("title").getText() #getProjectImage()

#makeProject() #pagelinks()
#if ($root.getAttributeValue("index") == "yes") #makeIndex($root.getChild("body").getChildren("section")) #end #set ($allSections = $root.getChild("body").getChildren("section")) #foreach ( $section in $allSections ) #section ($section) #end #pagelinks()

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