Resource Ressource The most general class type type Indicates membership of a class comment commentaire Use this for descriptions label label Provides a human-readable version of a rdf:resource name. Class Classe The concept of Class subClassOf sousClasseDe Indicates membership of a class subPropertyOf sousPropriétéDe Indicates specialization of properties seeAlso voirAussi Indicates a rdf:resource that provides information rdf:about the subject rdf:resource. isDefinedBy esDéfiniPar Indicates a rdf:resource containing and defining the subject rdf:resource. ConstraintResource RessourceContrainte Resources used to express RDF Schema constraints. ConstraintProperty PropriétéContrainte Properties used to express RDF Schema constraints. domain domaine This is how we associate a class with properties that its instances can have range étendue Properties that can be used in a schema to provide constraints Property Propriété The concept of a property. Literal Littéral This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings. Statement Déclaration This represents the set of reified statements. subject sujet predicate prédicat object objet Container Enveloppe This represents the set Containers. Bag Ensemble Sequence Séquence Alt Choix ContainerMembershipProperty object value