# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # $Id: manifest.n3,v 1.3 2006/07/14 15:59:33 andy_seaborne Exp $ @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dawgt: . @prefix mf: . @prefix qt: . <> rdf:type mf:Manifest ; rdfs:comment "Value Testing Tests" ; mf:entries ([ mf:name "extendedType-eq-pass" ; rdfs:comment "Only extended types with identical lexical and datatypes can be tested for = ." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:Approved ; dawgt:approvedBy ] [ mf:name "extendedType-ne-fail" ; rdfs:comment "Opaque types can not be tested for != ." ; rdfs:seeAlso ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:Approved ; dawgt:approvedBy ] [ mf:name "extendedType-literal-eq" ; rdfs:comment "Test FILTER match on extended type." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "extendedType-literal-ne" ; rdfs:comment "Test FILTER negative match on extended type." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "extendedType-graph" ; rdfs:comment "Test graph match on extended type." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "typePromotion-decimal-decimal-pass" ; rdfs:comment "Positive test: product of type promotion within the xsd:decimal type tree." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "typePromotion-decimal-decimal-fail" ; rdfs:comment "Negative test: product of type promotion within the xsd:decimal type tree." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-equiv-FALSE" ; rdfs:comment "FALSE = legal boolean values." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-equiv-TRUE" ; rdfs:comment "TRUE = legal boolean values." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-equiv-xsdType" ; rdfs:comment "Various lexical forms of xsd:boolean equal each other." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-logical-OR" ; rdfs:comment "Various lexical forms of xsd:boolean equal an EBV." ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-false-canonical" ; rdfs:comment "Lexical form of FALSE" ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-true-canonical" ; rdfs:comment "Lexical form of TRUE" ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "boolean-EBV-canonical" ; rdfs:comment "Lexical form of EBV" ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ; dawgt:approval dawgt:NotApproved ] [ mf:name "xsd-string-lt" ; rdfs:comment "FILTER with < on xsd:string" ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ] [ mf:name "xsd-string-gt" ; rdfs:comment "FILTER with > on xsd:string" ; mf:action [ qt:data ; qt:query ] ; mf:result ] # End of tests ).