]> v 1.2 2003/08/28 claudia.ciorascu@unine.ch based on WordNet 1.7.1 lexical database WordNet Ontology an word will be an instance of WordObject WordNet synset the gloss for a syn set The hyponymOf relation specifies that the subject is a hyponym of the object. This relation holds for nouns and verbs. The hyponymOf relation specifies that the subject is a hypernym of the object. This relation holds for nouns and verbs. The entailsTo relation specifies that the object is an entailment of the subject. The similarTo relation specifies that the object is similar in meaning to the subject. The mMeronym relation specifies that the object is a member meronym of the subject. The mHolonym relation specifies that the object is a member holonym of the subject The sMeronym relation specifies that the object is a substance meronym of the subject The sHolonym relation specifies that the object is a substance holonym of the subject The pMeronym relation specifies that the object is a part meronym of the subject The pHolonym relation specifies that the object is a part holonym of the subject The causedBy relation specifies that the objet is a cause of the subject The attributeRel relation defines the attribute relation between noun and adjective in which the adjective is a value of the noun. The groupWith relation specifies verb synsets that are similar in meaning and should be grouped together The antonymOf relation specifies that the subject is antonym of the object The seeAlso relation specifies that additional information about the subject can be obtained by seeing the object The participleOf relation specifies that the subject (adjective) is a participle of the object (verb) The pertainsTo relation specifies two different relations based on the parts of speech involved. If the first word is in an adjective synset, that word pertains to either the noun or adjective second word. If the first word is in an adverb synset, that word is derived from the adjective second word