# $Id: merge,v 1.1 2003-09-16 13:42:01 andy_seaborne Exp $
# Take a template file and a file with content and merge them.
# Content is defined as the stuff between certain
# NB The id=, not class=
$template = "template.html" ;
$target = undef ;
$prog = $0 ;
$extract = 0 ;
$usage = "$prog [--extract] [--template FILE] FILE" ;
if ( $#ARGV == -1 )
print STDERR $usage, "\n" ;
exit 0 ;
if ( $#ARGV == 0 && ( ( $ARGV[0] eq '-h' ) || ( $ARGV[0] eq '--help' ) ) )
print STDERR $usage, "\n" ;
exit 0 ;
if ( $#ARGV >= 0 && ( $ARGV[0] eq '--extract' ) )
$extract = 1 ;
shift @ARGV ;
if ( $#ARGV == 0 )
$target = $ARGV[0] ;
elsif ( ( $#ARGV == 2 ) && ( $ARGV[0] eq '--template' ) )
$template = $ARGV[1] ;
$target = $ARGV[2] ;
print STDERR $usage, "\n" ;
exit 1 ;
# Find directory of target (for relative links)
if ( $target =~ m!/$! )
print STDERR "'$target': Filename end in a /\n" ;
exit 2 ;
$dir = undef ;
if ( $target =~ m!(.*)/! )
$dir = $1 ;
@path = split('/', $dir) ;
## Will be used so we can process file not in the current directory
## $unpath='' ;
## for $p (@path)
## {
## $unpath="$unpath".'../' ;
## }
## print "Unpath: '$unpath'\n" ;
## print "Dir = '$dir'\n" ;
## print $#path , "\n" ;
## exit ;
# Read whole files.
undef $/ ;
open(TARGET, "<$target") || die "Open $target: $!";
binmode TARGET ;
$_ =
close(TARGET) ;
# Remove comment
## s/\<\!--.*?--\>//g ;
## ---- Extract the content
@sections = ("header", "footer", "trail", "content") ;
%sections = () ;
for $s (@sections)
$t = &doSectionNamed($_,$s) ;
$sections{$s} = $t if ( $t ne '' ) ;
# And the HTML title.
$title='' ;
if ( m!(.*?)! )
$title = $& ;
# And meta data
@meta = m!\s*]*>\s*!sg ;
if ( $extract )
for $m (@meta)
print "Meta: $m\n"
# Debug:
for $s (@sections)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" ;
print "Section:: $s\n" ;
print $sections{$s} ;
print "\n" if ( $sections{$s} !~ /\n$/s ) ;
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" ;
print "Title:\n$title\n" ;
print "\n" ;
print "Meta data:\n" ;
print @meta,"\n" ;
exit ;
## ---- Substitute
open(TEMPLATE,"<$template") || die ;
binmode TEMPLATE ;
$_ = ;
close(TEMPLATE) ;
# Now substitute into template
for $s (@sections)
$t = $sections{$s} ;
if ( $t eq '' )
# print STDERR "No section '$s' - skipped\n" ;
next ;
!$t!s ;
# Title
if ( $title ne '' )
s!(.*?)!$title! ;
#Meta data
#Replace the first one with a marker.
s/\s*]*>\s*/META/ ;
# Remove all others
s/\s*]*>//g ;
# Insert the new stuff
$meta = join("",@meta) ;
$meta =~ s/ *$// ;
s/META/$meta/ ;
# ---- Write out
binmode STDOUT ;
# Fix up ... UNIX newlines
s/\r//g ;
print ;
# -------------------------------------------
sub doSectionNamed
my $all = $_[0] ;
my $sectName = $_[1] ;
my $sect = '' ;
# Break in sections
# Need to count nesting.
# Find start (then count nestings)
if ( $all =~ m!! )
$sect = $& ;
# English is discouraged (see man perlre!)
# $rest = $POSTMATCH ;
$rest = $' ;
$sect = $sect.&doSection($rest) ;
return $sect ;
sub doSection
my $all = $_[0] ;
my $divText = '' ;
$i = 1 ;
while($i > 0 )
# Bit crude : happens to work even if the
if ( ! ( $all =~ m!
! ) )
# Early end. Didn't find closing
$divText = $divText.$all ;
last ;
$divText = $divText.$`.$& ; # $divText.$PREMATCH.$MATCH
$r = $' ; # POSTMATCH
$m = $& ; # MATCH
# Count up or down (could recurse here for finding nested text)
$i++ if ( $m =~ m!^