The Joseki download can be used to run Joseki in serveral forms - as a standalone server, as a web application inside Tomcat or Jetty or embedded in a larger application.
There is a full, "download-and-go" form that contains everything you need running a standalone server; this includes copies of all the JARs files needed from other systems. Other packaging may be available. This page assumes you have downloaded the full version.
The Joseki server is packaged under a single directory named "Joseki-<version>", where "<version>" is the release version number. The main directories and files are:
Having unpacked the download file, go to the root directory of the download.
The default Joseki
configuration file is etc/joseki.n3
. You wil need to
write your own to identify the models you wish to publish. The
installation can be tested with the configuration file in the download: the
models are "testdata" and "books".
Set the classpath: put all the JAR files in the lib/
directory on your classpath.
# Linux/Unix/Cygwin: cd <the root directory> export JOSEKIROOT="$PWD" export CLASSPATH="$(bin/joseki_path)"
@REM Windows cd <the root directory> set JOSEKIROOT=<the root directory> bin\joseki_path set CLASSPATH=%CP%
Still in that directory, run some of the test suite.
java junit.textui.TestRunner org.joseki.test.JosekiTests
This loads configuration from etc/. There should be the server log file output on the standard output stream. Some of the log messages say "error"; this is expected as the tests are of incorrect requests.
You should be able to write a configuration file and run the server:
java joseki.rdfserver <YourConfigurationFile>
The server prints its log file to standard out and this process does not terminate until the server exits.
The server can also be conveniently run with the script rdfserver
From another shell or window, you can query the running server. A plain GET can be done using wget:
wget -q -O - http://localhost:2020/<YourModel>
and RDQL queries can be executed on the server with (making sure you have the classpath set):
# Linux/Unix/Cygwin: NB Single quotes on the query java joseki.rdfqueryremote --model http://localhost:2020/books \ 'SELECT * WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z)' REM Windows java joseki.rdfqueryremote --model http://localhost:2020/books \ "SELECT * WHERE (?x, ?y, ?z)"
There are scripts in the bin/
directory to run each of the applications.
environment variable set but will set the classpath
themselves. They have not been widely tested.
Please email with any questions you might have.