Joseki: The Jena RDF Server =========================== This is the version 2.0 release of Joseki - a server for publishing RDF models on the web. Models have URLs and they can be accessed by HTTP GET. Joseki-2.0 ---------- New features in this release include: 1/ Fetch: get the information about a resources 2/ Inferencing data models Joseki is part of the Jena RDF toolkit. Joseki is open source under a BSD-style license. Fetch: The "fetch" query operation provides a "tell me about " operation. It is a way for applications to get data objects (small RDF graphs) of RDF statements that are considered to be about the named resource. The exct form of the returned graph is determined by ther server through a data-specific module. For example, if a resource has Dublic Core information about it, the server would return all the statements with the resource as subject. See or file:Web/RDF_Data_Objects.html Inferencing models: data can be combined with an OWL ontology or RDFS vocabulary description to produce an RDF model that has both ground and inferred statements. Query is then used to access the model. The download ------------ The main directory is Joseki-. Servers run in this directory to find auxilliary files. The main sub-directories are: + Examples/ - example server and client scripts + lib/ - JARs needed + bin/ - scripts (check before use) + etc/ - configuration and various support files + Web/ - a copy of the online documentation + webapps/ - Joseki is a web application Running the Examples -------------------- A simple server can be run by: 1/ Add all the JARs in lib/ to the CLASSPATH 2/ Run java -cp joseki.rdfserver Examples/joseki-examples.n3 There are scripts in bin/ and Examples/ to help. 3/ Try the examples: see Examples/ For more details on configurating and running a server, see: Server configuration: or file:Web/running.html Details of the configuration file: or file:Web/configuration.html Documentation ------------- The website describes Joseki and provides documentation on server configuration and on the client library. It also includes examples of access using common, unmodified applications like wget. Details about the use of HTTP GET, how to create query language processors and how to add modules for data-specific fetch operations can also be found on the web site. A copy of the web site is in the Web/ directory of the download. Support ------- Please send questions to Development ----------- The Joseki development project is hosted by SourceForge: Project: CVS: It relies on other open source softeware: Jetty, Jena (which uses Xerces, Log4J, ORO, util.concurrent), JUnit Andy Seaborne July 2003