# Here are some examples with headers: note that you can specify both full # headers (such as In-Reply-To: <469663CB.6080302@localhost>) and partial # ones (such as Date: 15:30:58), 'cause the IMAP server as usal just does # a substring search. The email:header string is built so that field and # value are automatically splitted at the first column, so it' like writing # # ?x email:header ?h # ?h email:hdrnam "In-Reply-To" # ?h email:hdrval "<469663CB.6080302@localhost>" # # The semantics in this case is rather out of standard, but provides an # easier way to deal with header filters... # # When you GET headers, instead, you get all of them and then you can use # a normal FILTER to have only the messages that satisfy particular header # conditions. As usual, FILTER is better on a formal point of view but # requires you to download more data. PREFIX xsd: prefix email: select * where { ?x email:subject ?subject . ?x email:header ?headers . ?x email:header "Date: 15:30:58" . ?x email:header "In-Reply-To: <469663CB.6080302@localhost>" . # FILTER regex(?headers, "In-Reply-To: <469663CB.6080302@localhost>", "i") . }