# Now on to special examples: date is the first property that has to # be used in a particular way. If you send a query like the following, # you might happen to receive not only the message sent at that particular # date and time, but all the ones sent the very same day. This is due to # IMAP server inner working and cannot be changed on the IMAP side. # However, the desired result can be obtained just by uncommenting the # FILTER constraint. PREFIX xsd: prefix email: select ?date ?subject where { ?x email:subject ?subject . ?x email:date ?date . ?x email:date "2007-07-06T22:48:18Z"^^xsd:dateTime . #FILTER (xsd:dateTime(?date) = "2007-07-06T22:48:18Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . } # NOTE that the same result is obtained also if you comment the line # above the FILTER constraint. However, if you have logging enabled # for INFO messages you'll notice that the number of downloaded messages # changes much. In fact, when you specify a date a search is done on the # IMAP server and the results are "pre-filtered", so performance is better. # A more specific example on this in the next query