# With this SPARQL query we try to ask as many properties as we can # (almost all the ones which are defined inside the imap_map file. The # reason of the "almost" will be explained in detail inside next queries) PREFIX xsd: prefix email: select * where { ?x email:messageID ?messageID . ?x email:from ?from . ?x email:to ?to . ?x email:subject ?subject . ?x email:body ?body . ?x email:date ?date . ?x email:sdate ?sdate . ?x email:header ?headers . ?x email:flagAnswered ?flagAns . ?x email:flagDeleted ?flagDel . ?x email:flagDraft ?flagDra . ?x email:flagFlagged ?flagFla . ?x email:flagRecent ?flagRec . ?x email:flagSeen ?flagSee . ?x email:flagNew ?flagNew . }