/* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. JenaOWLFParserConstants.java */ /* * (c) Copyright 2009 Andy Seaborne * All rights reserved. */ package lang.owlfunctionalsyntax ; /** * Token literal values and constants. * Generated by org.javacc.parser.OtherFilesGen#start() */ public interface JenaOWLFParserConstants { /** End of File. */ int EOF = 0; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 6; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int WS = 7; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int DIGITS = 8; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int ECHAR = 9; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int STRING_LITERAL2 = 10; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int AT = 11; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int LANGTAG = 12; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int A2Z = 13; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int A2ZN = 14; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int IRIref = 15; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PNAME_NS = 16; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PNAME_LN = 17; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int BLANK_NODE_LABEL = 18; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int VAR1 = 19; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int VAR2 = 20; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PN_CHARS_BASE = 21; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PN_CHARS_U = 22; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PN_CHARS = 23; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PN_PREFIX = 24; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int PN_LOCAL = 25; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int VARNAME = 26; /** RegularExpression Id. */ int UNKNOWN = 27; /** Lexical state. */ int DEFAULT = 0; /** Literal token values. */ String[] tokenImage = { "", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\f\"", "", "", "", "", "", "\"@\"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "\"Prefix\"", "\"(\"", "\"=\"", "\")\"", "\"Ontology\"", "\"Import\"", "\"Declaration\"", "\"Class\"", "\"Datatype\"", "\"ObjectProperty\"", "\"DataProperty\"", "\"AnnotationProperty\"", "\"NamedIndividual\"", "\"Annotation\"", "\"AnnotationAssertion\"", "\"SubAnnotationPropertyOf\"", "\"AnnotationPropertyDomain\"", "\"AnnotationPropertyRange\"", "\"^^\"", "\"ObjectInverseOf\"", "\"DataIntersectionOf\"", "\"DataUnionOf\"", "\"DataComplementOf\"", "\"DataOneOf\"", "\"DatatypeRestriction\"", "\"ObjectIntersectionOf\"", "\"ObjectUnionOf\"", "\"ObjectComplementOf\"", "\"ObjectOneOf\"", "\"ObjectSomeValuesFrom\"", "\"ObjectAllValuesFrom\"", "\"ObjectHasValue\"", "\"ObjectHasSelf\"", "\"ObjectMinCardinality\"", "\"ObjectMaxCardinality\"", "\"ObjectExactCardinality\"", "\"DataSomeValuesFrom\"", "\"DataAllValuesFrom\"", "\"DataHasValue\"", "\"DataMinCardinality\"", "\"DataMaxCardinality\"", "\"DataExactCardinality\"", "\"SubClassOf\"", "\"EquivalentClasses\"", "\"DisjointClasses\"", "\"DisjointUnion\"", "\"SubObjectPropertyOf\"", "\"ObjectPropertyChain\"", "\"EquivalentObjectProperties\"", "\"DisjointObjectProperties\"", "\"ObjectPropertyDomain\"", "\"ObjectPropertyRange\"", "\"InverseObjectProperties\"", "\"FunctionalObjectProperty\"", "\"InverseFunctionalObjectProperty\"", "\"ReflexiveObjectProperty\"", "\"IrreflexiveObjectProperty\"", "\"SymmetricObjectProperty\"", "\"AsymmetricObjectProperty\"", "\"TransitiveObjectProperty\"", "\"SubDataPropertyOf\"", "\"EquivalentDataProperties\"", "\"DisjointDataProperties\"", "\"DataPropertyDomain\"", "\"DataPropertyRange\"", "\"FunctionalDataProperty\"", "\"DatatypeDefinition\"", "\"HasKey\"", "\"SameIndividual\"", "\"DifferentIndividuals\"", "\"ClassAssertion\"", "\"ObjectPropertyAssertion\"", "\"NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion\"", "\"DataPropertyAssertion\"", "\"NegativeDataPropertyAssertion\"", }; }