Constructing queries that can be run directly on the triple store is in most cases too complicated or inconvenient. Instead a specialized query language similar to RDQL is provided. Results are usually returned within seconds to minutes.
SELECT ?protein, ?name WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :name ?name] AND [?protein :encodedBy ?gene] AND [?gene :name "CRB"] USING "", "" AS rdf
SELECT ?protein, ?begin, ?end WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :annotation ?annotation] AND [?annotation rdf:type :Transmembrane_Annotation] AND [?annotation :range ?range] AND [?range :begin ?begin] AND -- Note: Should use MAYBE... [?range :end ?end] USING "", "" AS rdf
SELECT ?protein, ?author, ?title WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :modified ?modified] AND [?protein :citation ?citation] AND [?citation :author ?author] AND ?author ~ "bairoch %" AND [?citation :title ?title] USING "", "" AS rdf
COUNT ?protein WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :citation ?citation] AND [?citation :author "Bairoch A."] USING "", "" AS rdf
SELECT ?related WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :classifiedWith <>] AND [?protein rdfs:seeAlso ?related] USING "", "" AS rdf, "" AS rdfs
SELECT ?gene AS "Gene", ?name AS "Name", ?text AS "Disease" WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :gene ?gene] AND [?gene :name ?name] AND [?protein :organism taxon:9606] AND [?protein :annotation ?annotation] AND [?annotation rdf:type :Disease_Annotation] AND [?annotation rdfs:comment ?text] USING "", "" AS rdf, "" AS rdfs, "" AS taxon
SELECT ?protein, ?aa WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :organism taxon:2] AND [?protein :sequence ?s] AND [?s rdf:value ?aa] USING "", "" AS rdf, "" AS rdfs, "" AS taxon
SELECT ?protein, ?date WHERE [?protein rdf:type :Protein] AND [?protein :modified ?date] AND ?date > "2004-08" USING "", "" AS rdf
SELECT ?interaction, ?p1, ?p2 WHERE [?p1 rdf:type :Protein] AND [?p1 :enzyme ec:2.7.7.-] AND [?p2 rdf:type :Protein] AND [?p2 :enzyme ec:] AND [?interaction rdf:type :Interaction] AND [?interaction :participant ?p1] AND [?interaction :participant ?p2] USING "", "" AS rdf, "" AS rdfs, "" AS ec