
The use of xs:any makes it necessary to map content for which we have no schema.

The example below includes two marked-up 'parts', and the same content represented as an HTML table.

See also:
<report xmlns="">
  <html xmlns="" xml:id="html">           
      <tr><td xml:lang="en">foo</td></tr>


The HTML content is here represented by an xs:any element from the 'xhtml' namespace, which may include attributes and arbitrarily nested elements.

<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
        xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">

        <xs:element name="report">
                                <xs:element name="part" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                                <xs:any namespace="" processContents="skip"/>        


Not having the schema to hand, Gloze regards any content as ambiguously ordered so adds all content to an rdf:Seq. This helps to distinguish attributes from elements; any properties not added to this sequence are therefore attributes. Elements with a single value (and no attributes) are added as literal properties (see 'tr').

The example also includes an xml:id defined to be of type xs:ID, regardless of the schema. This identifies the html resource, and is translated as a fragment identifier relative to the document base.

# Base:
@prefix ns1:     <> .
@prefix xs:      <> .
@prefix ns2:     <> .
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix xs_:     <> .
@prefix :        <#> .

_:b1  a       rdf:Seq ;
      rdf:_1  [ a       rdf:Statement ;
                rdf:object _:b2 ;
                rdf:predicate <> ;
                rdf:subject _:b1
              ] ;
      rdf:_2  [ a       rdf:Statement ;
                rdf:object _:b3 ;
                rdf:predicate <> ;
                rdf:subject _:b1
              ] ;
              _:b2 , _:b3 .

      a       rdf:Seq ;
      rdf:_1  [ a       rdf:Statement ;
                rdf:object _:b1 ;
                rdf:predicate <> ;
                rdf:subject :html
              ] ;
              _:b1 .

_:b2  a       rdf:Seq ;
      rdf:_1  [ a       rdf:Statement ;
                rdf:object _:b4 ;
                rdf:predicate <> ;
                rdf:subject _:b2
              ] ;
              _:b4 .

<>    ns2:report
              [ ns2:part "foo"^^xs_:string , "bar"^^xs_:string ;
              ] .

_:b3  a       rdf:Seq ;
      rdf:_1  [ a       rdf:Statement ;
                rdf:object "bar" ;
                rdf:predicate <> ;
                rdf:subject _:b3
              ] ;
              "bar" .

_:b4  rdf:value "foo"@en .

If a schema is available for the wild-card element, then it may be referenced from within the XML instance document using an xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute. This can appear in the document element or on the wild-card element itself.

Generated on Mon Jun 18 16:02:37 2007 for Gloze by  doxygen 1.5.0