Writing a Support Request

A good support request or bug report is clear and concise. For ARQ, reduce the problem to a short dataset (20 triples should be enough; Turtle, N3 or N-triples preferred) and a query that illustrates the problem. State what you expected to happen as well as what did happen.

It also a good idea to check the documentation.

Parse Errors

The SPARQL parser outputs a line and column number - it is usually correct in identifying the first point of a syntax error.

Execution failure

If you are reporting a failure that produces a stack trace, please include the message, exception and the stack trace. Only if it is very long, should you truncate the trace but please include the whole trace to the point where it indicates it is entering ARQ (a package name starting com.hp.hpl.jena.query) and then one level which is your code.

Unexpected results

If you are getting unexpected results, show the results you expect as well as what you actually get.

If you are getting no results, or less than you expected, try cutting parts out of the query until something chnages.

There are various formatters for result sets included in ARQ.  Print your results in text form if possible. There is a testing format used by the Data Access Working Group and that is used for the scripted tests in the distribution.


A bug report or support request should be complete and minimal. It helps you to develop a concise description of the problem - often, you will discover the solution yourself.

Complete means that any query included should include prefixes and the whole syntax string, not a fragment.  Any program code should be ready to run, not a fragment of a large program.

Minimal means that the data sent should be an abbreviated selection to illustrate the point.

Typically, any program will be less that 20 lines, and any data less than 20 triples.

The report should also include details of the execution environment:

Bug reports should be sent to the mailto:jena-users@incubator.apache.org (you need to subscribe to send to this list).

ARQ Documentation Page