Please read the guidelines below before subscribing to our lists and join our community.
Low Traffic Subscribe Unsubscribe Archive
This is the list where users of the Apache James (Server) meet and discuss issues. Developers are also expected to be subscribed to this list to offer support to users of Apache James (Server).
High Traffic Subscribe Unsubscribe Archive
This is the list where participating developers of the the Apache James Project meet and discuss issues, code changes/additions, etc. Subscribers to this list get notices of each and every code change, build results, testing notices, etc. Do not send mail to this list with usage questions or configuration problems -- that's what server-user@james is for.
Very Low Traffic Subscribe Unsubscribe Archive
This is the list where participating developers of the the Apache James project discuss changes/additions to the James websites etc. Subscribers to this list get notifications of every commit of the website reaourcesDo not send mail to this list with James software problems -- that's what server-user@james is for.
Low Traffic Subscribe Unsubscribe
This is the list for general discussions relating to the running of the project, it is the public list of the James project management committee (PMC) and is a public list open to all. Do not send mail to this list with James software problems -- that's what server-user@james is for.
Very Low Traffic Subscribe Unsubscribe
This is the public list for the Mailet API subproject, discussing all Mailet API design and implementation related topics. Questions about using Mailets and their configuration should be addressed to the server-user list.
First, find out the particular email adress to which ezmlm is sending. The email headers are visible in Microsoft Outlook via the messages menu "View | Options".
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0 ... List-Unsubscribe: <> List-Help: <> List-Post: <> List-Id: "James Server Users List" <> Reply-To: "James Server Users List" <> Delivered-To: mailing list ... Return-Path: ...
The Return-Path header contains the email address which is subscribed.
To stop subscription for the address john@host.domain , send an email to
There are several sites on the net that archive and provide searching for our mailing lists in HTML readable format.
A mailing list is an electronic discussion forum that anyone can subscribe to. When someone sends an email message to the mailing list, a copy of that message is broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to that mailing list. Mailing lists provide a simple and effective communication mechanism for discussion and decision making.
The Apache Software Foundation has well established reasons for
using email and not other types of forum.
We are
not interested in hearing proposals to use NNTP (news
groups) or web forums or any other medium.
You may use a mail-news
gateway, gmail or anything else you like but email is, and will remain,
the official medium.
With potentially thousands of subscribers, there is a common etiquette that you should observe. Please keep on reading.
Respect the mailing list type
Some questions are appropriate for posting on both the "user" and the "developer" lists. In this case, pick one and only one. Do not cross post.
Asking a configuration question on the developers list is frowned upon because developers' time is as precious as yours. By contacting them directly instead of the users list you are abusing resources. It is unlikely that you will get a quicker answer this way, those developers who have time to devote to providing support are also subscribed to the users list. If you contact individuals directly, or post your user issues to the developer list you may get no answer at all.
Join the lists that are appropriate for
your discussion.
Please make sure that you are joining
the list that is appropriate for the topic that you would like to
discuss. The general list is for discussions about the management and
direction of the James project, not for "general support".
Ask smart questions.
Every volunteer project obtains its strength from the people involved in
it. You are welcome to join any of our mailing lists. You can choose to
lurk, or actively participate; it's up to you. The level of community
responsiveness to specific questions is generally directly proportional
to the amount of effort you spend formulating your question. Eric
Raymond and Rick Moen have even written an essay entitled "Asking
Smart Questions" precisely on this topic. Although somewhat
militant, it is definitely worth reading.
Note: Please do
NOT send your Java problems to the two authors. They welcome feedback on
the FAQ's contents, but are simply not a Java help resource. Follow the
essay's advice and choose
your forum carefully.
Keep your email short and to the point.
If your email is more than about a page of
text, chances are that it won't get read by very many people. It is much
better to try to pack a lot of informative information (see above about
asking smart questions) into as small of an email as possible. If you
are replying to a previous email only quote the parts that you are
replying to and to remove the unnecessary bits. This makes it easier for
people to follow a thread as well as making the email archives easier to
search and read.
Do your best to ensure that you are
not sending HTML or "Stylelized" email to the list.
you are using Outlook or Outlook Express or Eudora, chances are that you
are sending HTML email by default. There is usually a setting that will
allow you to send "Plain Text" email. If you are using Microsoft
products to send email, there are several bugs in the software that
prevent you from turning off the sending of HTML email.
Watch where you are sending email.
The majority of our mailing
lists have set the Reply-To to go back to the list. That means that when
you Reply to a message, it will go to the list and not to the original
author directly. The reason is because it helps facilitate discussion on
the list for everyone to benefit from. Be careful of this as sometimes
you may intend to reply to a message directly to someone instead of the
entire list. The appropriate contents of the Reply-To header is an
age-old debate that should not be brought up on the mailing lists. You
can examine opposing points of view condemning our
convention and
condoning it. Bringing this up for debate on a mailing list will add
nothing new and is considered off-topic.
Do not cross post messages.
In other words, pick one mailing
list and send your messages to that mailing list only. Do not send your
messages to multiple mailing lists. The reason is that people may be
subscribed to one list and not to the other. Therefore, some people will
only see part of the conversation.