CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.1.


org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBody.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager116
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageHeader.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager170
            this.value = v;


    private MessageRow aMessageRow;

     * Declares an association between this object and a MessageRow object
     * @param v
     *            MessageRow
     * @throws TorqueException
    public void setMessageRow(MessageRow v) throws TorqueException {
        if (v == null) {
        } else {
        if (v == null) {
        } else {
        aMessageRow = v;

     * Returns the associated MessageRow object. If it was not retrieved before,
     * the object is retrieved from the database
     * @return the associated MessageRow object
     * @throws TorqueException
    public MessageRow getMessageRow() throws TorqueException {
        if (aMessageRow == null && (this.mailboxId != 0 && this.uid != 0)) {
            aMessageRow = MessageRowPeer.retrieveByPK(this.mailboxId, this.uid);
        return aMessageRow;

     * Return the associated MessageRow object If it was not retrieved before,
     * the object is retrieved from the database using the passed connection
     * @param connection
     *            the connection used to retrieve the associated object from the
     *            database, if it was not retrieved before
     * @return the associated MessageRow object
     * @throws TorqueException
    public MessageRow getMessageRow(Connection connection)
            throws TorqueException {
        if (aMessageRow == null && (this.mailboxId != 0 && this.uid != 0)) {
            aMessageRow = MessageRowPeer.retrieveByPK(this.mailboxId, this.uid,
        return aMessageRow;

     * Provides convenient way to set a relationship based on a ObjectKey, for
     * example <code>bar.setFooKey(foo.getPrimaryKey())</code>
     * Note: It is important that the xml schema used to create this class
     * maintains consistency in the order of related columns between
     * message_header and message. If for some reason this is impossible, this
     * method should be overridden in <code>MessageHeader</code>.
    public void setMessageRowKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException {
        SimpleKey[] keys = (SimpleKey[]) key.getValue();

        setMailboxId(((NumberKey) keys[0]).longValue());

        setUid(((NumberKey) keys[1]).longValue());

    private static List fieldNames = null;

     * Generate a list of field names.
     * @return a list of field names
    public static synchronized List getFieldNames() {
        if (fieldNames == null) {
            fieldNames = new ArrayList();

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBodyPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager680
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageRowPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager690
            return (MessageRow) v.get(0);

     * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
     * @param pks
     *            List of primary keys
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks) throws TorqueException {
        Connection db = null;
        List retVal = null;
        try {
            db = Torque.getConnection(DATABASE_NAME);
            retVal = retrieveByPKs(pks, db);
        } finally {
        return retVal;

     * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
     * @param pks
     *            List of primary keys
     * @param dbcon
     *            the connection to use
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks, Connection dbcon)
            throws TorqueException {
        List objs = null;
        if (pks == null || pks.size() == 0) {
            objs = new LinkedList();
        } else {
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
            Iterator iter = pks.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                ObjectKey pk = (ObjectKey) iter.next();
                SimpleKey[] keys = (SimpleKey[]) pk.getValue();
                Criteria.Criterion c0 = criteria.getNewCriterion(MAILBOX_ID,
                        keys[0], Criteria.EQUAL);
                Criteria.Criterion c1 = criteria.getNewCriterion(UID, keys[1],
            objs = doSelect(criteria, dbcon);
        return objs;

     * retrieve object using using pk values.
     * @param mailboxId
     *            long
     * @param uid
     *            long
    public static MessageRow retrieveByPK(long mailboxId, long uid)

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/map/MessageBodyMapBuilder.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager63
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/map/MessageFlagsMapBuilder.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager63

        ColumnMap cMap = null;

        // ------------- Column: mailbox_id --------------------
        cMap = new ColumnMap("mailbox_id", tMap);
        cMap.setType(new Long(0));
        cMap.setDescription("Mailbox Id");
        cMap.setForeignKey("message", "mailbox_id");
        // ------------- Column: uid --------------------
        cMap = new ColumnMap("uid", tMap);
        cMap.setType(new Long(0));
        cMap.setForeignKey("message", "uid");
        // ------------- Column: line_number --------------------
        cMap = new ColumnMap("line_number", tMap);

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBodyPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager680
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageHeaderPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager700
            return (MessageHeader) v.get(0);

     * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
     * @param pks
     *            List of primary keys
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks) throws TorqueException {
        Connection db = null;
        List retVal = null;
        try {
            db = Torque.getConnection(DATABASE_NAME);
            retVal = retrieveByPKs(pks, db);
        } finally {
        return retVal;

     * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
     * @param pks
     *            List of primary keys
     * @param dbcon
     *            the connection to use
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks, Connection dbcon)
            throws TorqueException {
        List objs = null;
        if (pks == null || pks.size() == 0) {
            objs = new LinkedList();
        } else {
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
            Iterator iter = pks.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                ObjectKey pk = (ObjectKey) iter.next();
                SimpleKey[] keys = (SimpleKey[]) pk.getValue();
                Criteria.Criterion c0 = criteria.getNewCriterion(MAILBOX_ID,
                        keys[0], Criteria.EQUAL);
                Criteria.Criterion c1 = criteria.getNewCriterion(UID, keys[1],

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMailboxRowPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager101
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBodyPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager89
    protected static final Class CLASS_DEFAULT = initClass(CLASSNAME_DEFAULT);

     * Class object initialization method.
     * @param className
     *            name of the class to initialize
     * @return the initialized class
    private static Class initClass(String className) {
        Class c = null;
        try {
            c = Class.forName(className);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            "A FATAL ERROR has occurred which should not "
                                    + "have happened under any circumstance.  Please notify "
                                    + "the Torque developers <torque-dev@db.apache.org> "
                                    + "and give as many details as possible (including the error "
                                    + "stack trace).", t);

            // Error objects should always be propogated.
            if (t instanceof Error) {
                throw (Error) t.fillInStackTrace();
        return c;

     * Get the list of objects for a ResultSet. Please not that your resultset
     * MUST return columns in the right order. You can use getFieldNames() in
     * BaseObject to get the correct sequence.
     * @param results
     *            the ResultSet
     * @return the list of objects
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List resultSet2Objects(java.sql.ResultSet results)
            throws TorqueException {
        try {
            QueryDataSet qds = null;
            List rows = null;
            try {
                qds = new QueryDataSet(results);
                rows = getSelectResults(qds);
            } finally {
                if (qds != null) {

            return populateObjects(rows);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new TorqueException(e);
        } catch (DataSetException e) {
            throw new TorqueException(e);

     * Method to do inserts.
     * @param criteria
     *            object used to create the INSERT statement.
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static ObjectKey doInsert(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException {
        return BaseMessageRowPeer.doInsert(criteria, (Connection) null);

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBody.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager432
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlags.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager685
                    MessageFlagsPeer.doUpdate((MessageFlags) this, con);

            alreadyInSave = false;

    private final SimpleKey[] pks = new SimpleKey[2];

    private final ComboKey comboPK = new ComboKey(pks);

     * Set the PrimaryKey with an ObjectKey
     * @param key
    public void setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException {
        SimpleKey[] keys = (SimpleKey[]) key.getValue();
        setMailboxId(((NumberKey) keys[0]).longValue());
        setUid(((NumberKey) keys[1]).longValue());

     * Set the PrimaryKey using SimpleKeys.
     * @param mailboxId
     *            long
     * @param uid
     *            long
    public void setPrimaryKey(long mailboxId, long uid) throws TorqueException {

     * Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
    public void setPrimaryKey(String key) throws TorqueException {
        setPrimaryKey(new ComboKey(key));

     * returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
    public ObjectKey getPrimaryKey() {
        pks[0] = SimpleKey.keyFor(getMailboxId());
        pks[1] = SimpleKey.keyFor(getUid());
        return comboPK;

     * Makes a copy of this object. It creates a new object filling in the
     * simple attributes. It then fills all the association collections and sets
     * the related objects to isNew=true.
    public MessageFlags copy() throws TorqueException {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBody.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager432
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageRow.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager1048
                    ((MessageBody) collMessageBodys.get(i)).save(con);
            alreadyInSave = false;

    private final SimpleKey[] pks = new SimpleKey[2];

    private final ComboKey comboPK = new ComboKey(pks);

     * Set the PrimaryKey with an ObjectKey
     * @param key
    public void setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException {
        SimpleKey[] keys = (SimpleKey[]) key.getValue();
        setMailboxId(((NumberKey) keys[0]).longValue());
        setUid(((NumberKey) keys[1]).longValue());

     * Set the PrimaryKey using SimpleKeys.
     * @param mailboxId
     *            long
     * @param uid
     *            long
    public void setPrimaryKey(long mailboxId, long uid) throws TorqueException {

     * Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
    public void setPrimaryKey(String key) throws TorqueException {
        setPrimaryKey(new ComboKey(key));

     * returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
    public ObjectKey getPrimaryKey() {
        pks[0] = SimpleKey.keyFor(getMailboxId());
        pks[1] = SimpleKey.keyFor(getUid());
        return comboPK;

     * Makes a copy of this object. It creates a new object filling in the
     * simple attributes. It then fills all the association collections and sets
     * the related objects to isNew=true.
    public MessageRow copy() throws TorqueException {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMailboxRowPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager333
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlagsPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager345
        return BaseMessageRowPeer.doSelectVillageRecords(criteria,
                (Connection) null);

     * Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects. This method
     * should be used for transactions
     * @param criteria
     *            object used to create the SELECT statement.
     * @param con
     *            the connection to use
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria criteria, Connection con)
            throws TorqueException {
        if (criteria.getSelectColumns().size() == 0) {


        // BasePeer returns a List of Value (Village) arrays. The array
        // order follows the order columns were placed in the Select clause.
        if (con == null) {
            return BasePeer.doSelect(criteria);
        } else {
            return BasePeer.doSelect(criteria, con);

     * The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects
     * that inherit from the default.
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List populateObjects(List records) throws TorqueException {
        List results = new ArrayList(records.size());

        // populate the object(s)
        for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
            Record row = (Record) records.get(i);
            results.add(MessageRowPeer.row2Object(row, 1, MessageRowPeer

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlags.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager383
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageRow.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager807
            return new Integer(getSize());
        return null;

     * Set a field in the object by field (Java) name.
     * @param name
     *            field name
     * @param value
     *            field value
     * @return True if value was set, false if not (invalid name / protected
     *         field).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if object type of value does not match field object type.
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             If a problem occures with the set[Field] method.
    public boolean setByName(String name, Object value) throws TorqueException,
            IllegalArgumentException {
        if (name.equals("MailboxId")) {
            if (value == null || !(Long.class.isInstance(value))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "setByName: value parameter was null or not a Long object.");
            setMailboxId(((Long) value).longValue());
            return true;
        if (name.equals("Uid")) {
            if (value == null || !(Long.class.isInstance(value))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "setByName: value parameter was null or not a Long object.");
            setUid(((Long) value).longValue());
            return true;
        if (name.equals("InternalDate")) {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBody.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager229
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageHeader.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager291
            return getValue();
        return null;

     * Set a field in the object by field (Java) name.
     * @param name
     *            field name
     * @param value
     *            field value
     * @return True if value was set, false if not (invalid name / protected
     *         field).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if object type of value does not match field object type.
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             If a problem occures with the set[Field] method.
    public boolean setByName(String name, Object value) throws TorqueException,
            IllegalArgumentException {
        if (name.equals("MailboxId")) {
            if (value == null || !(Long.class.isInstance(value))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "setByName: value parameter was null or not a Long object.");
            setMailboxId(((Long) value).longValue());
            return true;
        if (name.equals("Uid")) {
            if (value == null || !(Long.class.isInstance(value))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "setByName: value parameter was null or not a Long object.");
            setUid(((Long) value).longValue());
            return true;
        if (name.equals("LineNumber")) {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBody.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager229
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlags.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager383
            return Boolean.valueOf(getSeen());
        return null;

     * Set a field in the object by field (Java) name.
     * @param name
     *            field name
     * @param value
     *            field value
     * @return True if value was set, false if not (invalid name / protected
     *         field).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if object type of value does not match field object type.
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             If a problem occures with the set[Field] method.
    public boolean setByName(String name, Object value) throws TorqueException,
            IllegalArgumentException {
        if (name.equals("MailboxId")) {
            if (value == null || !(Long.class.isInstance(value))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "setByName: value parameter was null or not a Long object.");
            setMailboxId(((Long) value).longValue());
            return true;
        if (name.equals("Uid")) {
            if (value == null || !(Long.class.isInstance(value))) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "setByName: value parameter was null or not a Long object.");
            setUid(((Long) value).longValue());
            return true;
        if (name.equals("Answered")) {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBody.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager47
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageHeader.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager53
    public long getMailboxId() {
        return mailboxId;

     * Set the value of MailboxId
     * @param v
     *            new value
    public void setMailboxId(long v) throws TorqueException {

        if (this.mailboxId != v) {
            this.mailboxId = v;

        if (aMessageRow != null && !(aMessageRow.getMailboxId() == v)) {
            aMessageRow = null;


     * Get the Uid
     * @return long
    public long getUid() {
        return uid;

     * Set the value of Uid
     * @param v
     *            new value
    public void setUid(long v) throws TorqueException {

        if (this.uid != v) {
            this.uid = v;

        if (aMessageRow != null && !(aMessageRow.getUid() == v)) {
            aMessageRow = null;


     * Get the LineNumber
     * @return int
    public int getLineNumber() {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/SearchQuery.javaApache JAMES Mailbox Manager Library1047
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/SearchQuery.javaApache JAMES Mailbox Manager Library1136
        public final Flag getFlag() {
            return flag;

         * Gets the test to be preformed.
         * @return the <code>BooleanOperator</code>, not null
        public final BooleanOperator getOperator() {
            return operator;

         * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
        // @Override
        public int hashCode() {
            final int PRIME = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = PRIME * result + ((flag == null) ? 0 : flag.hashCode());
            result = PRIME * result
                    + ((operator == null) ? 0 : operator.hashCode());
            return result;

         * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
        // @Override
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            final FlagCriterion other = (FlagCriterion) obj;

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlagsPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager641
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlagsPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager658
    public static Criteria buildSelectCriteria(MessageFlags obj) {
        Criteria criteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME);
        criteria.add(MAILBOX_ID, obj.getMailboxId());
        criteria.add(UID, obj.getUid());
        criteria.add(ANSWERED, obj.getAnswered());
        criteria.add(DELETED, obj.getDeleted());
        criteria.add(DRAFT, obj.getDraft());
        criteria.add(FLAGGED, obj.getFlagged());
        criteria.add(RECENT, obj.getRecent());
        criteria.add(SEEN, obj.getSeen());
        return criteria;

     * Retrieve a single object by pk
     * @param pk
     *            the primary key
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
     * @throws NoRowsException
     *             Primary key was not found in database.
     * @throws TooManyRowsException
     *             Primary key was not found in database.
    public static MessageFlags retrieveByPK(ObjectKey pk)

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBodyPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager392
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageFlagsPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager422
        BaseMessageRowPeer.doUpdate(criteria, (Connection) null);

     * Method to do updates. This method is to be used during a transaction,
     * otherwise use the doUpdate(Criteria) method. It will take care of the
     * connection details internally.
     * @param criteria
     *            object containing data that is used to create the UPDATE
     *            statement.
     * @param con
     *            the connection to use
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static void doUpdate(Criteria criteria, Connection con)
            throws TorqueException {
        Criteria selectCriteria = new Criteria(DATABASE_NAME, 2);

        selectCriteria.put(MAILBOX_ID, criteria.remove(MAILBOX_ID));

        selectCriteria.put(UID, criteria.remove(UID));


        if (con == null) {
            BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria);
        } else {
            BasePeer.doUpdate(selectCriteria, criteria, con);

     * Method to do deletes.
     * @param criteria
     *            object containing data that is used DELETE from database.
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static void doDelete(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException {

org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMailboxRowPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager742
org/apache/james/mailboxmanager/torque/om/BaseMessageBodyPeer.javaApache JAMES Imap Torque Mailbox Manager680
            return (MessageBody) v.get(0);

     * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
     * @param pks
     *            List of primary keys
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks) throws TorqueException {
        Connection db = null;
        List retVal = null;
        try {
            db = Torque.getConnection(DATABASE_NAME);
            retVal = retrieveByPKs(pks, db);
        } finally {
        return retVal;

     * Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
     * @param pks
     *            List of primary keys
     * @param dbcon
     *            the connection to use
     * @throws TorqueException
     *             Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown
     *             wrapped into a TorqueException.
    public static List retrieveByPKs(List pks, Connection dbcon)
            throws TorqueException {
        List objs = null;
        if (pks == null || pks.size() == 0) {
            objs = new LinkedList();
        } else {
            Criteria criteria = new Criteria();

org/apache/james/imap/processor/imap4rev1/CopyProcessor.javaApache JAMES IMAP Mailbox Processor function72
org/apache/james/imap/processor/imap4rev1/fetch/FetchProcessor.javaApache JAMES IMAP Mailbox Processor function75
                final long highVal;
                final long lowVal;
                if (useUids) {
                    highVal = idSet[i].getHighVal();
                    lowVal = idSet[i].getLowVal();
                } else {
                    highVal = session.getSelected().uid(
                            (int) idSet[i].getHighVal());
                    lowVal = session.getSelected().uid(
                            (int) idSet[i].getLowVal());
                MessageRange messageSet = MessageRangeImpl.uidRange(lowVal,
                final MailboxSession mailboxSession = ImapSessionUtils