James Mailets Base ------------------ Apache James Mailets Base collects a number of utilities and lightweight frameworks useful when working with the Apache Mailet API (a framework assisting the rapid development of email processing functionality see http://james.apache.org/mailet). Mailets base is used as the basis for the email processing functions shipped with the Apache James server (an advanced mail server http://james.apache.org/server) but is not dependent on that server. Version 1.1 ----------- Fix a NPE in MatcherInverter Version 1.0 ----------- This is the first independent release of these mature components last shipped with Apache James 2.3. Earlier Releases ---------------- Previous versions of the components in base shipped with Apache James server. This product contains repackaged versions which are otherwise compatible with these versions. All classes are package org.apache.mailet.base except test helpers (which are now packaged in org.apache.mailet.base.test). It is recommended that anyone using these older versions updates to the new library.