Apache JSPF Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). This product has been inspired from the spfjava library written by Roger Fullerton and Neil Murray. This product contains DNS-aware code inspired by DNSJava test code written and copyrighted by Brian Wellington, too. (see org\apache\james\jspf\tester\ files) This product contains resources (rfc4408-tests.yml) from the openspf group, distributed under the BSD license and copyright by Stuart D. Gathman and Julian Mehnle. (see org\apache\james\jspf\tester\rfc4408-tests.LICENSE) This product contains resources (tests.yml, pyspf-tests.yml) from the pyspf library (http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/pyspf) distributed under the Python Software Foundation License and copyright by Terence Way, Stuart Gathman (stuart@bmsi.com) and Scott Kitterman. (see org\apache\james\jspf\tester\pyspf.LICENSE)