###### Bulding ###### Hupa use maven2 as build tool. To build hupa download maven2 (http://maven.apache.org), unpack maven2 and install it. After that change to hupa directory and execute the following cmd: $ mvn clean package ###### Configuring server side ################ Hupa uses a properties file to know the IMAP and SMTP servers configuration. There is an example configuration file in 'server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/config.properties' - You can set your configuration parameters in either of these files: $HOME/.hupa/config.properties /etc/default/hupa - Or in any other file if you start your application server with the parameter: -Dhupa.config.file=full_path_to_your_properties_file ##### Running Hupa ################## Hupa comes packaged with a servlet-container, so once you have compiled the app just run: $ java -jar target/hupa-${version}.war Then point your browser to the url: http://localhost:8282 If you prefer to use any other servlet container you can deploy the provided .war file in it. ###### Hupa and GMail ################# By default hupa is configurated as a gmail imap/smtp client, use any gmail valid account to login. NOTE: that previously to use a gmail account via imap you should enable imap in your gmail account. ###### Demo Mode ################# In demo mode it is not necessary any imap or smtp server. A bunch of example messages and folders are shown to the user to be manipulated. Almost every hupa feature work in demo mode. To enable demo mode set 'IMAPServerAddress=hupa.demo' or start your servlet container with the parameter 'hupa.demo' $ java -Dhupa.demo -jar target/hupa-${version}.war To login into the system in this mode use the user 'demo' with password 'demo' ###### Eclipse GWT Plugin notes ################ - Hupa uses maven to be built, before inporting the project, you shoul install m2eclipse and google plugins, then go to Import -> New maven project and select the modules: shared, mock, server, widget and client. - To run hupa in hosted mode, select: Run as -> (Google) Web application. * May be you need to specify the appropriate hupa configuration file if you do not want to run it in demo mode. If you don't have a suitable file in $HOME/.hupa or /etc/default/hupa you have to add the following line to the "vm argument" in the Run configuration: -Dhupa.config.file=folder_to_hupa_dources/server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/config.properties - If you compile hupa with google's eclipse plugin and you get the message: >> 'GWT module hupa needs to be (re)compiled, please run a compile or use the Compile/Browse button in hosted mode' Configure the plugin to compile only the 'Hupa' module. Properties -> Google -> Web Toolkit -> Entry Point Modules -> Hupa - org.apache.hupa