1.0 1.1 regexp http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/regexp A tag library for handling date and time functions. regexp org.apache.taglibs.regexp.RegexpTag JSP Used to create a script variable for a regular expression. id true false text org.apache.taglibs.regexp.TextTag JSP Used to create a script variable for a text string for use with a regular expression. id true false existsmatch org.apache.taglibs.regexp.ExistsMatchTag JSP Includes the body of the tag if a match for the regexp is found in the text. regexp true false text true false value false false substitute org.apache.taglibs.regexp.SubstituteTag JSP Uses the regexp to perform substitutions on the text. regexp true false text true false split org.apache.taglibs.regexp.SplitTag org.apache.taglibs.regexp.SplitTEI JSP Implements a perl style split on the text. id true false text true false regexp false false limit false false match org.apache.taglibs.regexp.MatchTag org.apache.taglibs.regexp.MatchTEI JSP Uses the regexp to find matches in text, loops for each match found. id true false regexp true false text true false group org.apache.taglibs.regexp.GroupTag empty Used to get the value of a single parenthesized group within a single match. number true false