1.0 1.1 Simple SQL Tags Library http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/sql-1.0 The "sql" tag library contains working implementations of the SQL tags used as examples within the JSP Specification, version 1.1. connection org.apache.taglibs.sql.ConnectionTag org.apache.taglibs.sql.ConnectionTagExtraInfo Example tag from Section A.2.1 of the JSP Specification, version 1.1. id true ref false userid org.apache.taglibs.sql.UserIDTag Example tag from Section A.2.1 of the JSP Specification, version 1.1. password org.apache.taglibs.sql.PasswordTag Example tag from Section A.2.1 of the JSP Specification, version 1.1. dburl org.apache.taglibs.sql.DburlTag Example tag from Section A.2.1 of the JSP Specification, version 1.1. driver org.apache.taglibs.sql.DriverTag Example tag from Section A.2.1 of the JSP Specification, version 1.1. query org.apache.taglibs.sql.QueryTag org.apache.taglibs.sql.QueryTagExtraInfo Example tag from Section A.2.2 of the JSP Specification, version 1.1. id true connection true visibility false