1.0 1.1 response http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/response A tag library for accessing HttpServletRequest information. addcookie org.apache.taglibs.response.AddCookieTag JSP Used to add a cookie to an Http Response. name true false value false false comment false false domain false false maxage false false path false false secure false false version false false value org.apache.taglibs.response.CookieValueTag JSP Used to set a cookie value. comment org.apache.taglibs.response.CookieCommentTag JSP Used to set a cookie comment. domain org.apache.taglibs.response.CookieDomainTag JSP Used to set a cookie domain. maxage org.apache.taglibs.response.CookieMaxAgeTag JSP Used to set a cookie maxage. path org.apache.taglibs.response.CookiePathTag JSP Used to set a cookie path. secure org.apache.taglibs.response.CookieSecureTag JSP Used to set whether a cookie requires secure HTTPS. version org.apache.taglibs.response.CookieVersionTag JSP Used to set a cookie version. addheader org.apache.taglibs.response.AddHeaderTag JSP Used to add a single header. name true false addintheader org.apache.taglibs.response.AddIntHeaderTag JSP Used to add a single integer header. name true false adddateheader org.apache.taglibs.response.AddDateHeaderTag JSP Used to add a single date header. name true false setheader org.apache.taglibs.response.SetHeaderTag JSP Used to set a single header. name true false setintheader org.apache.taglibs.response.SetIntHeaderTag JSP Used to set a single integer header. name true false setdateheader org.apache.taglibs.response.SetDateHeaderTag JSP Used to set a single date header. name true false containsheader org.apache.taglibs.response.ContainsHeaderTag JSP Used to test whether the HTTP Response contains a header. name true false value false false encodeurl org.apache.taglibs.response.EncodeURLTag JSP Used to encode a URL with the JSESSIONID if necessary. encoderedirecturl org.apache.taglibs.response.EncodeRedirectURLTag JSP Used to encode a URL with the JSESSIONID for use with sendredirect. senderror org.apache.taglibs.response.SendErrorTag JSP Used to return an HTTP error for the HTTP Response. error true false reset false false setstatus org.apache.taglibs.response.SetStatusTag empty Used to the status code for the HTTP Response. status true false sendredirect org.apache.taglibs.response.SendRedirectTag JSP Used to send a redirect as the HTTP Response. setcontenttype org.apache.taglibs.response.SetContentTypeTag JSP Sets the content type of the response being sent to the client. flushbuffer org.apache.taglibs.response.FlushBufferTag empty Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the client. iscommitted org.apache.taglibs.response.IsCommittedTag JSP Tests whether the HTTP Response has been committed to the client. value false false skippage org.apache.taglibs.response.SkipPageTag empty Skips the remainder of the JSP page.