1.0 1.1 request http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/request A tag library for accessing HttpServletRequest information. cookies org.apache.taglibs.request.CookiesTag org.apache.taglibs.request.CookiesTEI JSP Used to loop through all cookies or get a single cookie. id true false name false false headers org.apache.taglibs.request.HeadersTag org.apache.taglibs.request.HeadersTEI JSP Used to loop through all headers or get a single header. id true false name false false headervalues org.apache.taglibs.request.HeaderValuesTag org.apache.taglibs.request.HeaderValuesTEI JSP Used to loop through all headers or get a single header. id true false issecure org.apache.taglibs.request.IsSecureTag JSP Used to test whether the HTTP connection is secure (using HTTPS). value false false issessionfromcookie org.apache.taglibs.request.IsSessionFromCookieTag JSP Used to test whether the HTTP session was from a cookie. value false false issessionfromurl org.apache.taglibs.request.IsSessionFromURLTag JSP Used to test whether the HTTP connection is secure (using HTTPS). value false false issessionvalid org.apache.taglibs.request.IsSessionValidTag JSP Used to test whether the HTTP session is valid. value false false isuserinrole org.apache.taglibs.request.IsUserInRoleTag JSP Used to test whether the HTTP connection is secure (using HTTPS). role yes false value false false parameters org.apache.taglibs.request.ParametersTag org.apache.taglibs.request.ParametersTEI JSP Used to loop through all parameters or get a single parameter. id true false name false false parametervalues org.apache.taglibs.request.ParameterValuesTag org.apache.taglibs.request.ParameterValuesTEI JSP Used to loop through all parameters or get a single parameter. id true false request org.apache.taglibs.request.RequestTag org.apache.taglibs.request.RequestTEI empty Used to get information about the current request. id true false