Jakarta Project: Ant Tasks Tag library

Version: 1.0

Table of Contents

Tag Summary
Tag Reference
Revision History


The Gnat tag library is originally modeled after the tasks in the Ant build tool. Ant is a platform-neutral, pure Java, XML-based alternative to make, jam, const and similar tools. You can learn more about Ant at the Jakarta Ant Project.

This JSP tag library can be used to perform a variety of build-related and Ant-like tasks. It's called the Gnat Tag Library for a couple reasons, one being that it's even smaller than Ant (keeping in the insect metaphor), and less powerful. But it is and will continue to borrow ideas and even code from Ant where possible.

The goal of this tag library is to make all (give or take a few) of the Ant tasks available as stand-alone JSP custom actions, and to convert Ant behaviors to JSP behaviors where appropriate. Examples of changes to make the Ant tasks more like JSP tags are 1) treating the default output stream as JspWriter instead of System.out, and 2) throwing JspTagExceptions in places where an Ant task would throw a BuildException. Examples of changes that make the tasks work as standalone custom actions are 1) there is no need for a full Ant <project> or even a <target> in order to use the tasks as individual tags, and 2) tasks can take sub-elements where appropriate, such as property or fileset elements. But it should not be limited to or by Ant in anyway, and is free to have tags and functionality that one may not find or have any need for in Ant tasks.

A second goal that is currently on the backburner until Ant 2.0 gets rolling is a future, separate tag library that provides a JSP interface to the full Ant capabilities. In this case you should be able to take a build.xml file and enclose it in a JSP custom action, or generate (or modify) one on the fly, include it from an external source, and so on. This latter goal will hopefully be made easy by a client interface provided by Ant 2.0, which will allow a JSP custom action to cleanly tie into Ant with a minimum of effort on the JSP side.


This custom tag library requires no software other than a servlet container that supports the JavaServer Pages Specification, version 1.1 or higher.


Follow these steps to configure your web application with this tag library:

To use the tags from this library in your JSP pages, add the following directive at the top of each page:

<%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/gnat-1.0" prefix="gnat" %>

where "gnat" is the tag name prefix you wish to use for tags from this library. You can change this value to any prefix you like.

Tag Summary

deltreeDeletes a directory and all its files and subdirectories.
echoEchoes a message to the JSP output stream, or writes it to a file.
failStops processing the current JSP by immediately returning SKIP_PAGE, optionally logging a message.
gzipCreates a zip file.
gunzipDecompresses a zip file.
lsReturns a directory listing.
mkdirCreates a directory on the host file system.
touchUpdates the last-modified time of files on the host file system, creating them if necessary.
tstampSets variables TSTAMP, DSTAMP and TODAY to current times, same as Ant task of same name.

Tag Reference

deltreeAvailability: version 1.0
Deletes a directory and all its files and subdirectories.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.deltreeTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
  1. <%-- Delete a directory under the current Web application's tmp directory. --%>

    <gnat:deltree dir="<%= tempdir+"/foodir" %>" />

echoAvailability: version 1.0
Echoes a message to the JSP output stream, or writes it to a file.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.echoTag
Tag Bodyjsp
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
  1. <%-- Echo a string literal to JSP out via the message attribute. --%>

    <gnat:echo message="Hello, World!"/>

  2. <%-- Echo a string literal and an expression to JSP out via opening and closing tags. (The time variable is used in example 3 too.) --%>
    <%java.util.Date time = new java.util.Date();%>

    <gnat:echo> Hi, here is a brief message and a dynamic date: <%= time %>. </gnat:echo>

  3. <%-- Append the value of an expression to a file. --%>
    <% File tempdir = (File)application.getAttribute("javax.servlet.context.tempdir"); %>
    <%String echoLog = tempdir+"/echoAppendLog.txt";%>
    <% String messageString = "Hello World. The time is: "+time+System.getProperty("line.separator"); %>

    <gnat:echo message="<%= messageString %>" append="true" file="<%= echoLog %>" />

failAvailability: version 1.0
Stops processing the current JSP by immediately returning SKIP_PAGE, optionally logging a message.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.exitTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
Optional message to log when the page fails.
  1. <%-- Exit the current JSP when it hits this tag, optionally logging a message through ServletContext.log(). --%>

    <gnat:fail message="This JSP Failed!"/>

gzipAvailability: version 1.0
Creates a zip file.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.gzipTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
The file to zip.
The filename of the zipped result, e.g., fooFile.gz or fooFile.Z.
  1. <%-- GZip a file (see <gnat:echo> example for tempdir variable creation). The src file is zipped with whatever name and extension is given in the zipfile attribute. --%>
    <%final String foo = "/foo-file.txt";%>
    <%final String foozip = foo + ".gz";%>

    <gnat:gzip src="<%= tempdir+foo %>" zipfile="<%= tempdir+foozip %>"/>

gunzipAvailability: version 1.0
Decompresses a zip file.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.gunzipTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
An absolute path to the file to be unzipped.
The [optional] destination file name.
  1. <%-- GUnzip a file. The dest attribute is optional and can be a directory to unzip the file into, or can be a new file name. If dest is omitted, the parent dir of src is taken as the destination (i.e., a copy of the file is unzipped in its current directory). The file is only expanded if the src file is newer than the dest file, or when the dest file does not exist. --%>
    <%final String foounzip = foo + ".unzipped.txt";%>

    <gnat:gunzip src="<%= tempdir+foozip %>" dest="<%= tempdir+foodir+foounzip %>" />

lsAvailability: version 1.0
Returns a directory listing.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.lsTag
Tag Bodyjsp
Script VariableYes, named via the "id" attribute
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
An absolute file path to a directory. Support for relative paths may be added in a future revision.
Script variable id for use with standard jsp:getProperty tag
  1. <%-- List the contents of a directory under the current Web application's tmp directory. --%>

    <gnat:ls dir="<%= tempdir+"/foodir" %>" id="files" > <jsp:getProperty name="files" property="items"/> </gnat:ls>

mkdirAvailability: version 1.0
Creates a directory on the host file system.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.mkdirTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
An absolute path to a directory or a hierarchy of new directories to create (like UNIX mkdir -p).
Optional attribute for forcing mkdir to overwrite an existing directory structure.
  1. <%-- Name(s) of directory(ies) to create. All the parent directories of pickles will be created if they don't already exist. See <gnat:echo> example for creation of the tempdir variable. --%>
    <%final String foodir = "/foodir/bar/baz/pickles";%>

    <gnat:mkdir dir="<%= tempdir+foodir %>"/>

touchAvailability: version 1.0
Updates the last-modified time of files on the host file system, creating them if necessary.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.touchTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableNo
NameRequiredRuntime Expression Evaluation
  1. <%-- Simple example of touching a file. See <gnat:echo> example for creation of the tempdir variable. --%>
    <%final String foo = "/touched-file.txt";%>

    <gnat:touch file="<%= tempdir+foo %>"/>

  2. <%-- The millis attribute value can be assigned dynamically by using an expression, like so. --%>

    <gnat:touch file="<%= tempdir+foo %>" millis="<%= new java.util.Date().getTime() %>" />

  3. <%-- Or millis can be assigned statically, using milliseconds since midnight Jan 1 1970... The example below sets the last modified time as 12/24/2000 21:15pm. --%>

    <gnat:touch file="<%= tempdir+foo %>" millis="977710526363" />

  4. <%-- Or millis can be assigned statically, using milliseconds since midnight Jan 1 1970... The datetime attribute value must be set in format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM or PM. --%>
    <%final String foo2 = "/second-touched-file.txt";%>

    <gnat:touch file="<%= tempdir+foo2 %>" datetime="06/28/1983 2:02 pm" />

tstampAvailability: version 1.0
Sets variables TSTAMP, DSTAMP and TODAY to current times, same as Ant task of same name.
Tag Classorg.apache.taglibs.gnat.tstampTag
Tag Bodyempty
Script VariableYes: TSTAMP, DSTAMP and TODAY
RestrictionsShould only be used once in a page or else a duplicate variable exception will occur at translation time.
  1. <%-- Set the time stamp variables for the current page. --%>

    <gnat:tstamp />


See the example application gnat-examples.war for examples of the usage of the tags from this custom tag library.

Java Docs

Java programmers can view the java class documentation for this tag library as javadocs.

Revision History

Review the complete revision history of this tag library.