1.0 1.1 jdbc http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/jdbc The JDBC custom tag library contains tags that can retrieve data from and insert data into databases. connection org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.ConnectionTag JSP org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.ConnectionTEI Opens a connection based on either a url in the body of the tag or by using the "datasource" tag attribute to reference to a javax.sql.DataSource page attribute. driver (optional), userid (optional), and password (optional) are also set in the body of the tag. id true false dataSource false false url org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.DatabaseURLTag JSP Sets the database URL of the enclosing connection tag according to the initParameter, if specified, or the body of the tag. The tag body will be trimmed. initParameter false false driver org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.DriverTag JSP Sets the java.sql.Driver class name for the enclosing connection tag according to the initParameter, if specified, or the body of the tag. The tag body will be trimmed. initParameter false false userId org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.UserIdTag JSP JSP tag userid, sets the database user id for the enclosing connection tag. This tag is optional if the user name has been encoded inside the database URL, or if the database does not require a user name. The user name is read from the indicated initParameter, if the attribute is set, or from the body of the tag if it is not. The tag body will be trimmed. initParameter false false password org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.PasswordTag JSP JSP tag password, sets the password for the enclosing connection tag. This tag is optional if the password has been encoded inside the database URL, or if the database does not require a password. The password is read from the indicated initParameter, if the parameter is set, or from the body of the tag if it is not. The tag body will be trimmed. initParameter false false closeConnection org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.CloseConnectionTag empty Close the specified connection. The "conn" attribute is the name of a connection object in the page context. conn true false statement org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.statement.StatementImplTag org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.StatementTEI JSP JSP tag statement, uses the enclosed query, resultset or execute tags to perform a database operation. id true false conn true false escapeSql org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.statement.EscapeSQLTag JSP Replaces each single quote in the tag body with a pair of single quotes. Body content will not be trimmed. query org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.statement.QueryTag JSP Sets the SQL query for the enclosing statement or preparedstatement tag. execute org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.statement.ExecuteTag JSP Executes the query for the enclosing statement or preparedstatement tag. ignoreErrors false true preparedStatement org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.PreparedStatementImplTag org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.PreparedStatementTEI JSP JSP tag preparedstatement, used the enclosed query, resultset/execute, and set* tags to perform a database operation. id true false conn true false setArray org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetArrayTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.sql.Array page attribute object is passed into the "array" tag attribute. position true false name true false setAsciiStream org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetAsciiStreamTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.io.InputStream page attribute is passed into the "asciiStream" tag attribute. position true false name true false length true true setBigDecimal org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetBigDecimalTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a java.math.BigDecimal page attribute into the "bigDecimal" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setBinaryStream org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetBinaryStreamTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.io.InputStream page attribute is passed into the "binaryStream" tag attribute. position true false name true false length true true setBlob org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetBlobTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.sql.Blob page attribute is passed into the "blob" tag attribute. position true false name true true setBoolean org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetBooleanTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a Boolean page attribute into the "boolean" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setBytes org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetBytesTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a byte array page attribute into the "bytes" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will not be trimmed. position true false name false false setByte org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetByteTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a Byte page attribute into the "byte" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setCharacterStream org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetCharacterStreamTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.io.Reader page atttribute is passed into the "characterStream" tag attribute. position true false name true false length true true setClob org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetClobTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.sql.Clob page attribute is passed into the "clob" tag attribute. position true false name true false setDate org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetDateTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a java.sql.Date page attribute into the "date" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. Optionally, you may set the name of a java.util.Calendar page attribute in the "calendar" attribute. position true false name false false calendar false false setDouble org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetDoubleTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a Double page attribute into the "double" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setFloat org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetFloatTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a Float page attribute into the "float" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setInt org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetIntTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of an Integer page attribute into the "int" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setLong org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetLongTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of the Long page attribute into the "long" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setNull org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetNullTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that you set the "sql type" of the null. The valid SQL types are the field names of the java.sql.Types class (ARRAY, BIGINT, BINARY, BIT, BLOB, CHAR, etc.). Optionally you may include a "type name". See the jdbc tag library documentation for more details. position true false sqlType true true typeName false true setObject org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetObjectTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of an Object page page attribute is set in the "object" tag attribute. Optionally, you may set the "sqlType" and "scale" of DECIMAL and NUMERIC objects. See JDBC tag documentation for more information. position true false name true false sqlType false true scale false true setRef org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetRefTag empty Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. This tag is empty and requires that the name of a java.sql.Ref page attribute is passed into the "ref" tag attribute. position true false name true false setShort org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetShortTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of the Short page attribute into the "short" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. position true false name false false setString org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetStringTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of the String page attribute into the "short" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will not be trimmed. position true false name false false setTimestamp org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetTimestampTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a java.sql.Timestamp page attribute into the "timestamp" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. Optionally, you may set the name of a java.util.Calendar page attribute in the "calendar" attribute. position true false name false false calendar false false setTime org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.preparedstatement.SetTimeTag JSP Setter for the enclosing preparedstatement tag. Either pass the name of a java.sql.Time page attribute into the "time" tag attribute, or represent it as a String inside the tag body. Body content will be trimmed. Optionally, you may set the name of a java.util.Calendar page attribute in the "calendar" attribute. position true false name false false calendar false false resultSet org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.ResultSetTag org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.connection.ResultSetTEI JSP JSP tag resulset, executes the query and loops through the results for the enclosing statement or preparedstatement tag. The body of this tag is executed once per row in the resultset. The optional "loop" attribute, which default to true, specifies whether to execute the tag body once per row "true", or to simply assign the ResultSet to the page attribute specified by "id". id true false loop false false wasNull org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.WasNullTag JSP Executes its body if the last get* tag received a null value from the database. Setting the "value" attribute to false will execute the tag body if the last get* tag did not return a null. You must be inside a resultset tag and there must be a previous get* tag, or an error will be generated. value false false getArray org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetArrayTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Array, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Array to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getAsciiStream org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetAsciiStreamTag empty Gets the value, as a java.io.InputStream, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Inputstream to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getBigDecimal org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetBigDecimalTag empty Gets the value, as a java.math.BigDecimal, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the BigDecimal to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getBinaryStream org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetBinaryStreamTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Inputstream, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Inputstream to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getBlob org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetBlobTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Blob, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Blob to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getBoolean org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetBooleanTag empty Gets the value, as a Boolean, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Boolean to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getBytes org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetBytesTag empty Gets the value, as a byte[] array, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the byte[] array to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getByte org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetByteTag empty Gets the value, as a Byte, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Byte to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getCharacterStream org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetCharacterStreamTag empty Gets the value, as a java.io.Reader, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the java.io.Reader to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getClob org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetClobTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Clob, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Clob to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getDate org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetDateTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Date, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Date to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). You may also optionally specify the name of a java.util.Calendar page attribute. position true false to false false scope false false calendar false false getDouble org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetDoubleTag empty Gets the value, as a Double, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Double to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getFloat org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetFloatTag empty Gets the value, as a Float, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Float to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getInt org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetIntTag empty Gets the value, as a Integer, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Integer to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getLong org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetLongTag empty Gets the value, as a Long, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Long to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getObject org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetObjectTag empty Gets the value, as a Object, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Object to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). You may also optionally specify the name of a java.util.Map page attribute, in order to pass in a mapping of custom SQL types. position true false to false false scope false false map false false getRef org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetRefTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Ref, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Ref to a serlvet attribute with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to true false scope false false getShort org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetShortTag empty Gets the value, as a Short, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the Short to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getString org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetStringTag empty Gets the value, as a String, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You can optionally set the String to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). position true false to false false scope false false getTimestamp org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetTimestampTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Timestamp, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Timestamp to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). You may also optionally specify the name of a java.util.Calendar page attribute. position true false to false false scope false false calendar false false getTime org.apache.taglibs.jdbc.resultset.GetTimeTag empty Gets the value, as a java.sql.Time, of a coulmn in the enclosing resultset. The column number is set via the "position" attribute. You must set the Time to a serlvet attribute instead of the tag body with the "to" attribute. The scope of the servlet attribute is specified by the "scope" XML attribute (default = page). You may also optionally specify the name of a java.util.Calendar page attribute. position true false to false false scope false false calendar false false