# # Slide dependencies # mandatory # Version as used in jar file names slide.version=2.0b1 # Slide 2 binary distribution bundled with tomcat, install directory. # Download from http://jakarta.apache.org/slide slide.bindist=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\Slide 2.0b1 Tomcat 5.0.16 # Jar files from binary distribution. Usually no need to change this. slide.kernel.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\slide-kernel-bundle-${slide.version}.jar slide.stores.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\slide-stores-${slide.version}.jar slide.webdavservlet.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\slide-webdavservlet-${slide.version}.jar slide.log4j.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\slide-log4jlogger-${slide.version}.jar jta.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\geronimo-jta.jar jdom.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\jdom-b9.jar log4j.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\log4j-1.2.8.jar servlet.jar=${slide.bindist}\\common\\lib\\servlet-api.jar # # Slide 2 webdav client library dependencies. # mandatory # Slide 2 webdav client library, install directory. # Download from http://jakarta.apache.org/slide slide.clientbindist=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\jakarta-slide-webdavclient-bin-2.0beta1 # Jar files from client library. Usually no need to change this. slide.webdavlib.jar=${slide.clientbindist}\\lib\\jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.0beta1.jar commons-httpclient.jar=${slide.clientbindist}\\lib\\commons-httpclient.jar # # Software AG stuff # mandatory # Tamino Java API 4.2.1 or later. # Download from http://developer.softwareag.com/tamino/taminoAPI4J/Default.htm # A typical location is d:\\Program Files\\Software AG\\Tamino\\Tamino 4.x.x.x\\SDK\\TaminoAPI4J\\lib\\TaminoAPI4J.jar tamino.jar=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\TaminoAPI4J.jar # Webserverless access to Tamino. # Comment-in this if you want webserverless stores. Specify a .dll on Windows, an .so file on Unix # Modwsl is installed with Tamino if you select the webserverless features. # modwsl.lib=d:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Software AG\\modwsl.dll # SSX. Point this to the tamino install directory to use ssx. Comment-out otherwise # sag.ssx=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\paris_527_win # # Tomcat servlet container # mandatory # Tomcat binary distribution # o specify a zip file here (not a tgz file because zip works for every platform). # o download: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/index.html # o tws is tested with 4.1.27 or 5.0.18 # o we suggest using the latest Tomcat 5.0.x release tomcat.bindist=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\tomcat\\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19.zip # Tomcat hotfix # o specify a zip file here (not a tgz file because zip works for every platform). # o comment-out if you don't want to apply a hotfix # tomcat.hotfix=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\tomcat\\jakarta-tomcat-hotfix-5.0.19.zip # # Testsuite configuration # optional - you don't have to adjust this unless you want to run the testsuite # test.tws.port=8080 test.tws.user=usr test.tws.password=usr test.ldap.server=bolrep2.eur.ad.sag test.ldap.groupBindDn=dc=localhost,dc=software-ag,dc=de test.ldap.personBindDn=dc=localhost,dc=software-ag,dc=de # Tamino settings test.tamino.host = xtperf1 test.tamino.database = junitLarge test.tamino.collection = testcoll # for tests in datastore package test.datastore.dbsession = org.apache.slide.store.tamino.datastore.XDbSession test.datastore.allowNonXML = true test.datastore.autoCreateXmlSchema = true # # External tool configuration # optional - you don't have to adjust this unless you want to build the documentation # or the windows installer # DocBook Xml: # o used to document tws # o download: http://docbook.org # o current stable version (as of 28-01-04) is 4.2 (there's an 4.3 rc3, released 21-12-2004) # o Linux Fedora Core 1 has docbook xml in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.2-1.0-22.1/docbookx.dtd # CAUTON: no backslashes in file urls, even on Windows! docbook.dtd.url=file:///x:/ehm/inodavext/docbook-xml-4.2/docbookx.dtd # DocBook Xsl: # o used to generate html and pdf documentation # o download: DocBook Open Respository: http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/ # o current version (as of 24-03-04) is 1.65.1 (released 08-03-2004) # o note: Linux Fedora Core 1 includes DocBook Xsl in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.61.2-2.1 docbook.xsl.home=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\docbook-xsl-1.64.1 # Apache FOP # o used to generate pdf manual (experimental!) # o download: http://xml.apache.org/fop/index.html fop.home=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\fop-0.20.5 # JVM options passed to fop. fop.opts=-Dhttp.proxyHost=httpprox.software-ag.de -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 # NullSoft Installer System # o used to build the installer # o download: http://nsis.sourceforge.net/home/ nsis.home=x:\\ehm\\inodavext\\nsis2.0rc2