Wvcm API Changes ================ 1) The method getPropertyNames() of NestedPropertyName should not throw java.lang.Exception ***DONE*** 2) PropertyName should overwrite hashCode() and equals() from java.lang.Object in order to allow property names to be used as keys of hashtables. Two property names should be equal iff their strings are equal. Furthermore, AttributeName should overwrite equals() itself, where two attribute names should be equal iff their strings and namespaces are equal. ***DONE*** 3) PropertyName.WORKSPACE_FOLDER_LIST with string workspace-folder-list is missing (true, even in view of Provider.clientWorkspaceFolderList() and Provider.serverWorkspaceFolderList()). ***DONE*** 4) Method getWorkspaceFolderList() at Resource to be added. ***DONE*** 5) The reason code WvcmException.CANNOT_CREATE_WORKING_RESOURCE is obsolete. 6) Both methods doWriteContent() and doWriteProperties() require that the resource exists (i.e. do not create persistent resources states if needed). Explicit must-not-be-null preconditions should be specified. 7) WvcmException.java: added CANNOT_READ_ALL_MEMBERS and CANNOT_READ_BOUND_MEMBERS