Jakarta-Slide Release 2.1 ------------------------- RELEASE NUMBER: 2.1 RELEASE TAG / BRANCH: SLIDE_2_1_FINAL_RELEASE / SLIDE_2_1_RELEASE_BRANCH GENERAL NOTES ------------- This is the final Slide 2.1 release. It is compatible to the previous 2.0 release, but adds some new features and fixes some issues. Additionally, it adds transactions spanning multiple requests and extends WebDAV methods to control external transactions. NEW FEATURES (since 2.0) ------------ WebDAV Layer: - External Transaction Support as defined by MS Core: - Transaction control much more adhers to JTA spec allowing for transactions spanning more than one request - Added transient exclusive locks that limit the risk of deadlocks - Extractors for MS Office Stores: - Support for Oracle, DB2 and MySQL 4.1 (additional for 4.0) - Sequence support for MySQL, Oracle and Postgres added (sequence support completed) - DASL properties expression factory for RDBMS stores dramatically improves DASL performance. - JNDI store for users and roles - New caching modes - File Store performance improved - Transient utility stores Client: - External Transaction Support as defined by MS - JCA Connector for Slide - new Ant tasks - Full support for BIND, REBIND and UNBIND in the client library. - http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=27483: Add some little convenience methods. Misc: - Projector Framework - Replaced tx file system, locking, default XAResource implementation, etc. with the versions from commons transaction - Clustering support BUGFIXES (since 2.0) -------- WebDAV Layer: - Misc. fixes improving WebDAV conformance - Default mode limits concurrent requests and prevents deadlocks - http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28894: Logger no longer buffers body of request and response Core: Stores: - For Postgres properties can contain up to 1G length - Wrong setting of latest version when there were more than 10 versions fixed - Properties are now long enough to store a significant amount of versions Client: - Paths associated with creation of resources now work closer to what one would expect - http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=30125: MoveMethod and CopyMethod now work correctly when passed absolute URLs. Misc: BUGFIXES (since 2.1b2) -------- WebDAV Layer: - GET/PUT issue with of MacOS X and Tomcat 5 fixed Core: - All access to stores inside a request now is done inside the same transaction - Logging performance optimizations Stores: - Oracle store now properly handles BLOBS without the need of the presence of the Oracle JDBC driver at compile time Client: Misc: - Fixed *nix scripts for Tomcat bundle patches - Updated to Commons Transaction 1.0 RC1 - lockdiscoveryIncludesPrincipalURL property in web.xml is switched-off by default to make Slide work with MacOS X clients without change Testsuite: - More concurrency tests added - Now allows to test against root context / - Testcase mimic MacOS X upload sequence added BUGFIXES (since 2.1rc1) -------- WebDAV Layer: - Various bugs around lock owner fixed. Slide now works with Dreamweaver. KNOWN ISSUES ------------ WebDAV Layer: Core: - Performance on large collections could be improved - Security checking performance could be improved - Concurrency could be improved Stores: Client: Misc: - Documentation needs to be improved