Provides classes for accessing and manipulating the content, metadata and revision history of nodes. By default linear versioning is automatically provided, but the client can use helper functions to create and merge branches. The versioning component also manages the metadata associated on the objects, like for example its size and creation date.

Each {@link org.apache.slide.structure.ObjectNode ObjectNode} which has content has associated {@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptors NodeRevisionDescriptors} and {@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor NodeRevisionDescriptor} objects. These objects manage:

The basic metadata include :

The client application can modify metadata fields, add additional fields, ...

Object Model

{@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptors NodeRevisionDescriptors}

The NodeRevisionDescriptors class represents the revision tree of an object. This object is immutable.

{@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptor NodeRevisionDescriptor}

The NodeRevisionDescriptor class represents all the metadata information associated with the binary content of a revision. This includes information on the revision itself, labels and properties.

{@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeProperty NodeProperty}

The NodeProperty class represents an individual property associated to a revision. This object is immutable.

{@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionContent NodeRevisionContent}

The NodeRevisionContent class gives access to the revision's binary content.

{@link org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionNumber NodeRevisionNumber}

The NodeRevisionNumber class represents the revision number of a revision. This object is immutable.