xdav.user = john xdav.password = john xdav.host = ${test.server-name} xdav.port = ${test.server-port} xdav.workhost = ${test.server-name} xdav.workdb = xdav.users = 2 xdav.iterations = 4 # TODO: # Rename properties (shorter and more intuitive names :-)) xdav.globalVariableRootUser = root xdav.globalVariableRootPassword = root xdav.globalVariableCollection = files xdav.globalVariableUsers = ${xdav.users} xdav.globalVariableIterationCount = ${xdav.iterations} xdav.globalVariableIterationCountSmall = 1 xdav.globalVariablePerformanceIterations = 1 xdav.globalVariableDomainName = localhost xdav.globalVariableGroup = group xdav.globalVariableGroupsColl = groups xdav.globalVariableUsersColl = users xdav.globalVariableRolesColl = roles xdav.globalVariableActionsColl = actions xdav.globalVariableRootUserPath = ${xdav.globalVariableServerName}/users xdav.globalVariableUserPath = ${xdav.globalVariableRootUserPath}/${xdav.user} # set this to empty if your servlet is default-servlet of a root application xdav.globalVariableServerName = ${test.context-path} xdav.globalVariableXMLReference= # used in the notification test cases, change this to where do you want to # recieve the notifications xdav.globalVariableSubscriptionCallBack = httpu://any.host.com/subscriptions # # variables that switch contitional test cases or steps # # for testcases that require that the user is authneticated at the webapp xdav.condition.authenticationEnabled=true # for testcases that require slides internal security is enabled xdav.condition.org.apache.slide.security=true