Action Items List for Slide

This document is a living list of the action items related to the current development of the Slide architecture for the Tomcat servlet container. All of the source code for the Slide architecture is currently in the jakarta-slide subproject.

Some XML documentation is available in src/doc. It probably could use some updates.

To build a standalone DAV server, you can do the following :

The columns in this report contain the following information:

Developers can nominate themselves to work on particular action items by asking a Committer to add their name and EMAIL address to those items. The developers working on each item should discuss and agree upon the approach to be used for implementing the item's changes to the project source code and documentation, prior to completing those changes. Such discussions should take place on the SLIDE-DEV mailing list so that everyone can stay apprised of what is going on, or chime in if they want to contribute ideas and suggestions.

For convenience, the action items have been organized into general categories, which are presented in alphabetical order. The following categories of actions are currently identified:


Priority Action Item Volunteers
High Design and implement an object cache (one cache for each object type). Remy Maucherat
Medium Modify data objects so that recycling can be used (instead of cloning). ---

Core functionality

Priority Action Item Volunteers
Medium XMLMarshaller and XMLUnmarshaller don't handle the new descriptors. ---
High Add additional default action types. [org.apache.slide.common.NamespaceConfig] Remy Maucherat
High Put back security and lock checks (which were removed due to a partial rewrite of the API. [org.apache.slide.structure] [org.apache.slide.content] [org.apache.slide.lock] Remy Maucherat
Medium Redesign the config files handling. ---
Medium Either upgrade logging to the latest log4j or design a new logging facility (Reuse the one from Tomcat ?). ---
Medium Use Jakarta Regexp to do service scope matching. [org.apache.slide.common.Uri] ---
Medium Update the documentation, and make it easy to build it with the associated stylesheets. ---
Medium Rewrite the tokenizers (Scope tokenizer should be useless if Jakarta Regexp is used for scope matching). [org.apache.slide.common.UriTokenizer][org.apache.slide.common.ScopeTokenizer] ---
Low Add working revisions support. [org.apache.slide.content.NodeRevisionDescriptors] ---
Low Finish non linear versioning support (merging and branching). [org.apache.slide.content] ---
High The value of a property MUST be a String. [org.apache.slide.content.NodeProperty] Remy Maucherat

Storage implementations

Priority Action Item Volunteers

Utility Component Functionality

Priority Action Item Volunteers
Medium Integrate a non-synchronized Hashtable like structure, and use it to make high performance object caches. ---

WebDAV support

Priority Action Item Volunteers
Medium Integration with Catalina/Tomcat through Catalina/Tomcat servlet invoker. Makes sure it works, and fix any issues. ---
Medium Locks header support (when passing lock tokens in the If header). ---
Medium PROPPATCH method support (and a way to test it). ---

Samples and test cases

Priority Action Item Volunteers
High Write (or rewrite) some samples. ---
High Write some test cases (webdav is used for testing right now). ---
