$Id: TODO,v 1.1 2000/07/23 23:08:28 jon Exp $ o Make Perl5 character classes (e.g., [abcde...]) fully support Unicode input. Currently character classes only match 8-bit characters. o Fix any pending bugs listed in BUGS file. o Update org.apache.oro.text.regex and org.apache.oro.text.perl syntax to latest version of Perl, currently version 5.6. This will require a lot of work. o Pattern cache implementations are probably not very efficient. Should revisit and reimplement. o Look for ways to avoid creating unnecessary String instances and potential cases of redundant String/char[] conversions. o The MatchAction, MatchActionInfo, and MatchActionProcessor classes were just a bad idea because that sort of thing is very inefficient in Java. The class should probably be removed. o Reduce the memory overhead of case insensitive matching in Perl5Matcher.