The Cactus project is pleased to announce the release of version 1.7. Cactus is a unit testing framework for testing server side java code. Goals ----- Primarily a bug fix release. Several usability enhancements and the support for JDK 5 have been added. Main new features ----------------- * [All] Make Cactus work with JDK 1.5 (CACTUS-129) * [All] Tested with Orion 1.6.0b, Orion 2.0.4, Tomcat 4.1.31, Tomcat 5.0.29, Resin 2.1.14, Resin 3.0.9, JBoss 3.2.6. * [All] Added support for Resin 3.0.9 and above. * [Ant/Maven] Add attribute "jvmArgs" in the container tasks (CACTUS-158). * [Ant] The container element now supports running JBoss in a temporary directory, specified by the "tmpdir" attribute. In addition, by using the "configDir" attribute, you can now specify a directory where you have stored a custom JBoss server configuration (identified by the "config" attribute). This configuration will be copied to the tmp directory and used to configure JBoss (CACTUS-119). * [Ant] Added new and tasks to start/stop Resin 2.x/3.x instances. * [Ant] Ensure faster shutdown times with WebLogic 7.x by using the FORCESHUTDOWN WebLogic command instead of the graceful one (CACTUS-120). * [Core] The JettyTestSetup class now checks if the Jetty server is already started and only starts it if it isn't running. It also does not stops it if it was running before JettyTestSetup was called. This is useful when you have a master test suite and when you also wish to run your tests one by one (CACTUS-118). * [Maven] Added optional "source" attribute from the java plugin for compiling cactus tests (CACTUS-156). * [Maven] Allow Cactus to include some resources in the webapp classpath (WEB-INF/classes), through the use of variable "cactus.resources.dirs" (CACTUS-132). * [Maven] Extended "cactus.sysproperties" property to the "cactus:match" and "cactus:single" goals (CACTUS-128). * [Maven] Goal "cactus:test" is not executed if property "maven.test.skip" is set (CACTUS-146). * [Maven] The Cactus HTML JUnit report now displays the stack trace in case of failure (CACTUS-135). * [Maven] The plugin now correctly uses the "", "", "" and "" properties from the WAR and EJB plugins instead of hard-coding the values. Note that as a result, the Cactus plugins now requires version 1.7+ of the WAR plugin and version 1.6+ of the EJB plugin. Please note that Maven 1.0.2 contains older versions of those plugins (CACTUS-64). * [Maven] Cactus now guesses automatically what Java source files are Cactus tests when packaging tests in an EAR (it was already supported when running tests packaged in a WAR). * [Maven] Added new "cactus.jboss3x.config.dir" property which allows users to specify the location of a custom JBoss server configuration to use. This configuration, if specified, will be copied by the task to "cactus.jboss3x.tmp.dir" (CACTUS-119). * [Maven] Added new "cactus.jboss3x.tmp.dir" property which points to where the JBoss server configuration for Cactus will be created. It defaults to "${cactus.home.jboss3x}/server/cactus" (CACTUS-119). * [Maven] Added new "cactus.sysproperties" property to the Maven plugin for Cactus to allow passing system properties to the client and server side Cactus JVMs. Main bugs fixed --------------- * [Ant] The element of the task is now correctly using the user-defined port ("port" attribute). The port was previously hardcoded to "8080". * [Core] The Cactus Servlet Test Runner now re-initializes the Cactus configuration when it is called the first time (in its init() method). This allows testing several webapps in the same JVM (i.e without restarting the container). * [Core] Cactus was failing with a NullPointerException if the response was not returning any output stream (which happens if response.setStatus( HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT) is called for example) (CACTUS-123). * [Ant] Fixed "java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "localhost"" error that was happening when using the task with JBoss 3.0.8. It was due to the fact that JBoss 3.0.8 does not support the new "--server" parameter which works with newer versions of JBoss 3.x (CACTUS-122). * [Maven] Proper use of "" and "maven.compile.source" properties (CACTUS-161). Changes ------- Please check the Changes page at for a full list of the changes in version 1.7. Known limitations and bugs: --------------------------- The list of open issues can be found at For more information about Cactus, please visit Have fun, -The Cactus team