# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Container-related properties that depends on your environment (i.e. on # where you have installed the containers). Create a copy of this file and # name if build.properties. Then edit the file and tune it to match your # environment. # # $Id$ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Paths to containers on which you wish to run the Cactus tests cactus.home.tomcat4x = C:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30 cactus.home.resin2x = C:/Apps/resin-2.1.13 cactus.home.resin3x = C:/Apps/resin-3.0.7 cactus.home.jboss3x = C:/Apps/jboss-3.2.3 cactus.home.weblogic7x = C:/bea/weblogic700