Must have WAR plugin v1.6.1 or greater installed to use this version of the Cactus plugin. Try: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-war-plugin -Dversion=[version] Must have EJB plugin v1.6 or greater installed to use this version of the Cactus plugin. Try: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-ejb-plugin -Dversion=[version] Must have EAR plugin v1.6.1 or greater installed to use this version of the Cactus plugin. Try: maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-ear-plugin -Dversion=[version] No Cactus source files to compile. ${cactus.resources.dirs} Skipping invalid directory ${context.getVariable(resourcesDirVarName)}. You must set the directory with the ${resourcesDirVarName} property. Not runnnig Cactus tests because cactus.test.skip is true. No Cactus tests to run. ${cactus.sysproperties} Setting timeout to ${cactus.containerSet.timeout} ms At least one test had a failure! At least one test had an error! You must define the test case to run via -Dtestcase=classname Example: maven -Dtestcase=MyTest cactus:single ${cactus.sysproperties} Setting timeout to ${cactus.containerSet.timeout} ms You must define the test case to match via -Dtestmatch=classname Example: maven -Dtestmatch=MyTest cactus:match ${cactus.sysproperties} Setting timeout to ${cactus.containerSet.timeout} ms Dependency ${} will be bundled as ${bundledPath} ${cactus.sysproperties} Setting timeout to ${cactus.containerSet.timeout} ms At least one test had a failure! At least one test had an error! Generating appxml file:[${}/application.xml] version ${cactus.j2ee.version} ${} for Cactus ${} ${pom.artifactId} ${} ${bundledPath} ${dep.getProperty('ear.appxml.war.context-root')} ${bundledPath} ${bundledPath} ${bundledPath} ${bundledPath} Cactus Test Results

No Cactus results to report. Make sure the Cactus tests are run before the report is generated.

You need to run Cactus tests before generating the report.
id = '${pom.artifactId}' groupId = '${pom.groupId}' artifactDirectory = '${pom.artifactDirectory}'