# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build.properties.sample # # This is an example "build.properties" file, used to customize building the # full Cactus project for your local environment. Make any changes you need, # and rename this file to "build.properties" in the same directory that # contains the "build.xml" file. # # This file contains the aggregated list of properties needed by the different # Cactus subprojects. # # $Id$ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WARNING: The relative paths below are relative to the directory where the # build.xml file is located. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties shared by several subprojects # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of all jars. Note: This is not a mandatory property. It is only # used here so that it can be reused when defining the location of all the jars # below. You do not have to put all the external jars in a single location. lib.repo = c:/apps/maven/repository # The location of the J2EE API jar. Depending on the version (1.2 or 1.3) of # it, the corresponding Cactus Framework will be built. For example if you use # J2EE 1.3 jar, then the Cactus jar will contain the Filter Redirector which is # only available for Servlet 2.3 (part of J2EE 1.3). j2ee.jar = ${lib.repo}/j2ee/jars/j2ee-1.3.jar # The location of the Commons Logging jar commons.logging.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-logging/jars/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar # The location of the log4j jar log4j.jar = ${lib.repo}/log4j/jars/log4j-1.2.8.jar # The location of the Commons Httpclient jar commons.httpclient.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-httpclient/jars/commons-httpclient-2.0-rc2.jar # The location of the AspectJ runtime jar aspectjrt.jar = ${lib.repo}/aspectj/jars/aspectjrt-1.1.1.jar # The location of the Junit jar junit.jar = ${lib.repo}/junit/jars/junit-3.8.1.jar # The location of the MockObjects jar (needed for our unit tests) mockobjects.jar = ${lib.repo}/mockobjects/jars/mockobjects-core-0.09.jar # The location of the JSTL jar jstl.jar = ${lib.repo}/jstl/jars/jstl-1.0.2.jar # The location of the JSTL jar standard.jar = ${lib.repo}/taglibs/jars/standard-1.0.2.jar # The location of the Httpunit jar httpunit.jar = ${lib.repo}/httpunit/jars/httpunit-1.5.3.jar # Neko HTML (required by HttpUnit) nekohtml.jar = ${lib.repo}/nekohtml/jars/nekohtml-0.7.4.jar # Xerces (required by HttpUnit) xerces.jar = ${lib.repo}/xerces/jars/xercesImpl-2.3.0.jar # XML Parsers API (required by HttpUnit) xmlapis.jar = ${lib.repo}/xerces/jars/xmlParserAPIs-2.2.1.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties for the Sample Servlet project. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of the Servlet API jar. servlet.jar = ${lib.repo}/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.3.jar #servlet.jar = ${lib.repo}/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.2.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties for the Eclipse plugin ant the Jetty Sample # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The Jetty container is packaged in the Eclipse plugin and is used as the # default container in which to run the Cactus tests # The location of the Jetty jar jetty.jar = ${lib.repo}/jetty/jars/org.mortbay.jetty-4.2.11.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties for the Jetty Sample # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of the Jasper compiler jar (provided with Tomcat) jasper-compiler.jar = ${lib.repo}/tomcat/jars/jasper-compiler-4.1.24.jar # The location of the Jasper runtime jar (provided with Tomcat) jasper-runtime.jar = ${lib.repo}/tomcat/jars/jasper-runtime-4.1.24.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory properties for the Eclipse plugin only # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of Eclipse. eclipse.home = D:/dev/eclipse-2.1 # Locations of Eclipse dependent plugin jars # Example for Eclipse 2.1 - Windows platform eclipse.ant.core.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.ant.core_2.1.0/antsupport.jar eclipse.core.boot.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.core.boot_2.1.0/boot.jar eclipse.core.resources.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources_2.1.0/resources.jar eclipse.core.runtime.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime_2.1.0/runtime.jar eclipse.debug.core.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core_2.1.0/dtcore.jar eclipse.debug.ui.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.debug.ui_2.1.0/dtui.jar eclipse.jdt.core.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_2.1.0/jdtcore.jar eclipse.jdt.junit.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.junit_2.1.0/junitsupport.jar eclipse.jdt.launching.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.launching_2.1.0/launching.jar eclipse.jdt.ui.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_2.1.0/jdt.jar eclipse.jface.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.jface_2.1.0/jface.jar eclipse.swt.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.win32_2.1.0/ws/win32/swt.jar eclipse.ui.workbench.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench_2.1.0/workbench.jar eclipse.ui.externaltools.jar = ${eclipse.home}/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.externaltools_2.1.0/externaltools.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional properties for the main Cactus build # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of J2EE API jars for the "*.all" targets j2ee.12.jar = ${lib.repo}/j2ee/jars/j2ee-1.2.jar j2ee.13.jar = ${lib.repo}/j2ee/jars/j2ee-1.3.jar # Location of Servlet API jars for the "*.all" targets servlet.22.jar = ${lib.repo}/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.2.jar servlet.23.jar = ${lib.repo}/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.3.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional properties share by several subprojects # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of the AspectJ tools jar # If not specified here, the jar must be present in ANTHOME/lib aspectj-tools.jar = ${lib.repo}/aspectj/jars/aspectjtools-1.1.1.jar # Dependencies for Checkstyle code auditing # If not specified here, the JARs must be present in ANTHOME/lib antlr.jar = ${lib.repo}/antlr/jars/antlr-2.7.2.jar checkstyle.jar = ${lib.repo}/checkstyle/jars/checkstyle-3.1.jar commons.beanutils.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-beanutils/jars/commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jar commons.collections.jar = ${lib.repo}/commons-collections/jars/commons-collections-2.1.jar regexp.jar = ${lib.repo}/regexp/jars/regexp-1.2.jar # Should we instrument our code with Clover (test coverage tool) ? # For this to work, the clover.jar needs to be in ANTHOME/lib. # Comment out to disable Clover (setting the property to false will have no # effect). #clover.enable = true # Clover jar. This is required if clover is enabled. clover.jar = ${ant.home}/lib/clover.jar # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional properties for the Servlet Sample subproject # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The port to use for starting the servers during unit testing. If not # specified, it defaults to port 8080. #cactus.port = 8081 # Servlet engine locations for the tests # Note: If you don't want to run the test on a given servlet engine, just # comment it's home property. For example, if you don't want to run the # tests on Resin 2.x, comment the "cactus.home.resin2x" property. #cactus.home.resin2x = c:/Apps/resin-2.1.10 #cactus.home.tomcat3x = c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1a #cactus.home.tomcat4x = c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27 #cactus.home.tomcat5x = c:/Apps/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12 #cactus.home.orion1x = c:/Apps/orion-1.6.0 #cactus.home.orion2x = c:/Apps/orion-2.0.2 #cactus.home.jboss3x = c:/Apps/jboss-3.2.1 #cactus.home.weblogic7x = c:/bea/weblogic700 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional properties for the Servlet Documentation subproject # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decide whether or not to include the javadoc from the other subprojects in # the web site. This is an option useful for reducing web site build time as # javadoc do not need to be always updated. Uncomment to activate inclusion # of javadoc. #javadoc.include = true # Properties needed to upload the documentation to the Cactus web site #jakarta.username = vmassol #scp = pscp #ssh = tortoisePlink