--------------------------------- Jackrabbit Performance Test Suite --------------------------------- This directory contains a simple performance test suite that covers all major and minor Jackrabbit releases since 1.0. Use the following command to run this test suite: mvn clean install Note that the test suite will take more than an hour to complete, and to avoid distorting the results you should avoid putting any extra load on the computer while the test suite is running. The results are stored as jackrabbit*/target/*.txt report files and can be combined into an HTML report by running the following command on a (Unix) system where gnuplot is installed. sh plot.sh Selecting which tests to run ---------------------------- The -Donly command line parameter allows you to specify a regexp for selecting which performance test cases to run. To run a single test case, use a command like this: mvn clean install -Donly=ConcurrentReadTest To run all concurrency tests, use: mvn clean install -Donly=Concurrent.*Test Selecting which repository versions/configurations to test ---------------------------------------------------------- The -Drepo command line parameter allows you to specify a regexp for selecting the repository versions and configurations against which the performance tests are run. The default setting selects only the official release versions: mvn clean install -Drepo=\d\.\d To run the tests against all included configurations, use: mvn clean install -Drepo=.* Using a profiler ---------------- To enable a profiler, use the -Dagentlib= command line pameter: mvn clean install -Dagentlib=hprof=cpu=samples,depth=10