# This is the template file for the 'bootstrap.properties' that will # be placed in the repository home directory (or whatever is specified # in the "bootstrap-config" init parameter. # Repository configuration settings (will be adjusted by installer) repository.config=/WEB-INF/repository/repository.xml repository.home=jackrabbit/repository repository.name=jackrabbit.repository # RMI Settings rmi.enabled=true rmi.port=0 rmi.host=localhost # If the URI is not specified, it's composed as follows: #rmi.uri=//${rmi.host}:${rmi.port}/${repository.name} # JNDI Settings # all properties starting with 'java.naming.' will go into the # environment of the initial context jndi.enabled=true # if the name is not specified, it's initialized with the repository.name #jndi.name=${repository.name} java.naming.provider.url=http://www.apache.org/jackrabbit java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.jackrabbit.core.jndi.provider.DummyInitialContextFactory