Step 1: Download ikvm ======================== Download ikvm from (bin version) and extract. Step 2: Xerces and Xalan ========================= Download xerces (2.8.0) and Xalan (2.7.0 2jars), put the jars in a lib directory and excute xml.bat to compile xercesImpl.jar, xalan.jar, xml-apis.jar, resolver.jar, serializer.jar into dll's. I put all the jars in a lib directory within the bin directory of ikvm. If you do not like this, you must adjust the pathnames in the script. This script should generate no errors. Step 3: Download Derby ====================== Download Derby ( from Sourceforge and put derby.jar into the lib directory Step 4: Jackrabbit ================== Download the Jackrabbit server war. Extract the jar files into the lib directory. Execute the jcr.bat script. Look into the script to find out what jar's you exactly need. This script generates a few errors on log4j about JMS. Ignore them (unless you want to send email with log4j) Step 5: Execute JackRabbitHops.sln from Visual Studio 2005 ========================================================== - Make sure you update the paths of the references to the dll's you created in the previous steps. - If something goes wrong: check your bin directory. If you have a valid repository.xml and a repository map of 0 bytes; you have to remove both, before trying again to create both in FirstHop(). - If you get exceptions about invalid repository.xml, you may have a problem with xerces. - If your repository\workspaces\default\workspace.xml is created, but is 0 bytes, you may have a problem with xalan. Step 6: Optional: check Derby ============================= To check Derby, I converted the "Simple" demo from the Derby distribution into a .NET version. Look into SimpleDerbyTest and start the Visual Studio 2005 solution.