======================================================================= Welcome to Apache Jackrabbit ======================================================================= License (see also LICENSE.txt) ============================== Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Getting Started =============== Apache Jackrabbit is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF. The incubation status is recorded at http://incubator.apache.org/projects/jackrabbit.html Mailing Lists ------------- To get involved with the Jackrabbit project, start by having a look at our website (link at top of page) and join our mailing lists by sending an empty message to jackrabbit-dev-subscribe :at: incubator.apache.org and jackrabbit-commits-subscribe :at: incubator.apache.org and the dev mailing list archives can be found at http://incubator.apache.org/mail/jackrabbit-dev/ Downloading ----------- The Jackrabbit source code is available via Subversion at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jackrabbit/trunk and anonymous access is available at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/jackrabbit/trunk or with viewcvs at http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs/incubator/jackrabbit/trunk/ Once you have a copy of the source code tree, you can use Apache Maven http://maven.apache.org/ to build the project. After installing Maven 1.0, be sure to download the latest release of the Ant plugin (1.8.1 or later) using a command like maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven \ -DartifactId=maven-ant-plugin -Dversion=1.8.1 before running one of the maven commands listed at http://maven.apache.org/start/use.html to build the Jackrabbit project and/or documentation. NOTE: JDK 1.5 users need to download xalan.jar and place it in $MAVEN_HOME/lib/endorsed to build the Jackrabbit sources. The reason for this workaround is explained in http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCR-46 Credits ======= who what -------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Roy Fielding incubation Stefan Guggisberg core, data model, persistence, nodetypes, misc. David Nuescheler architecture, api Dominique Pfister transactions Peeter Piegaze api Tim Reilly mavenize Marcel Reutegger observation, query Tobias Strasser versioning Changes ======= See