======= Support ======= You can always get free support for Apache Zeta Components like in every other Open Source project. Check out the `Community`__ section for details on ways to get in touch with the developers. Another way to get support is by using the `issue tracker`__ for Apache Zeta Components. __ /zetacomponents/community/index.html __ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZETACOMP Commercial support ================== There are also companies providing commercial support for Apache Zeta Components: - `Qafoo GmbH - passion for software quality`__ Founded by some of the core developers of Apache Zeta Components, Qafoo provides support for Apache Zeta Components and general consulting and training on software quality tools and processes. - `thePHP.cc (The PHP Consulting Company)`__ Co-founded by one of the core developers of Apache Zeta Components, thePHP.cc provides support for the Workflow engine that is part of the Apache Zeta Components as well as general PHP-related consulting and training with a focus on architecture, quality assurance and security. __ http://qafoo.com/ __ http://thePHP.cc/ .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79