Review Derick 12. dec 2005 [ALL DONE] ========================== [FIXED] ezcPhpGenerator::$flowStack - I can't parse the documentation, perhaps you can reword it? [FIXED - method removed, was property] ezcPhpGenerator::lineBreak() - shouldn't this be named "getLineBreak()" ? [FIXED]ezcPhpGenerator::abort() - The docs describe something about subaequent calls, but I do not see how they are prohibitedi - or I don't see how.... Also, the tmpFilename is set to an empty string, while non-valid variables should be set to "null". [The calls will fail since the method will use write() which will throw an exception] [FIXED] ezcPhpGenerator::appendValueAssignment() - I do not see where the documented constants come from. If those constant names really exist, they should be class constants too. It also seems not all are documented. [FIXED] ezcPhpGenerator::appendVariableAssignment() - Same as above. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::appendUnset() - Misses long description. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::appendUnsetList() - Same as above. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndIf() - Misses long description. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndForeach() - Misses long description. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndWhile() - Misses long description. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::write() - Misses long description. [WNF] ezcPhpGenerator::indentCode() - Misses long description. [FIXED] ezcPhpGeneratorParameter::__set_state() - Not documented [FIXED] ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData - Short description misses, and I have no clue what the current description means. [FIXED] ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData::__set_state() - Not documented [FIXED] ezcPhpGeneratorException - The constants are not documented.