General: [WILL NOT FIX]- I prefer to have getXXX() method when the main purpose is to return a value: ezcMailTools::generateContentID. [DONE] - Default variables when not set: $aap = '', $aap = null, or $aap = false. Tests: [WHAT DO YOU MEAN?]- Set the timezone somewhere that the test run separately. ezcMail.php:41 [DONE, lacks impl] "Use setSubject if you require a special encoding.": Method setSubject does not exist. ezcMail::generateHeaders [DONE] Add doc, only for extension. composer.php [DONE, used null] Initialize $this->htmlText and $this->plainText as false in the constructor. Easier to check in other functions. tools.php [IS OK]- uniqueID is not thread safe? [SINCE IT IS STATIC]- lineBreak -> getLineBreak(). And why not a property? [NO STRUCT ANYMORE THEN]- Tools work upon the mailAddress struct, but why not implement the methods there? mail_address.php [DONE]- __set_state() not documented ;-). transport_smtp_exception.php - The consts are not documented. file_part.php - Constructor contains: /*,$encoding = ezcMail::BASE64*/ .. - Can encoding be removed from the __get(), and __set() ? [I'm letting it stay in the case we implement it..] transport_smtp.php [DONE]- consts are not documented. [DONE]- You can link to the consts, if you want to.. e.g. in $status. [DONE]- login(), throws also an Exceptions if the auth fails. Is not documented. [WILL NOT FIX]- composeSmtpMailAddress .. or getComposedSmtpMailAddress ? Review Derick ============= ezcMail.php: misses a "setFrom", "setSubject", and "setBody" function [added setSubject because of charset encoding, the others are properties] [DONE] ezcMail::__get doesn't check whether the properties have all been set (I get undefined index notices with the new test case that I just added) [now initialized to null] Bugs: [DONE] [DONE] [DONE]