db = ezcDbInstance::get(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'There was no database configured' ); } MultiRelationTestPerson::setupTables(); MultiRelationTestPerson::insertData(); $this->session = new ezcPersistentSession( ezcDbInstance::get(), new ezcPersistentCodeManager( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/" ) ); } public function teardown() { MultiRelationTestPerson::cleanup(); } public function testLoad() { $rootMother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $this->assertEquals( 'Root mother without parents.', $rootMother->name, 'MultiRelationTestPerson with ID 1 not loaded correctly.' ); $rootFather = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 2 ); $this->assertEquals( 'Root father without parents.', $rootFather->name, 'MultiRelationTestPerson with ID 2 not loaded correctly.' ); } public function testFind() { $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'MultiRelationTestPerson' ); $q->where( $q->expr->gt( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'id' ), $q->bindValue( 2 ) ), $q->expr->lt( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'id' ), $q->bindValue( 5 ) ) ); $persons = $this->session->find( $q, 'MultiRelationTestPerson' ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $persons ), 'MultiRelationTestPerson object not found correctly.' ); $this->assertEquals( 3, $persons[0]->id, 'First MultiRelationTestPerson object not found correctly.' ); $this->assertEquals( 4, $persons[1]->id, 'First MultiRelationTestPerson object not found correctly.' ); } public function testSave() { $newChild = new MultiRelationTestPerson(); $newChild->name = "New child"; $this->session->save( $newChild ); $this->assertEquals( 6, $newChild->id, 'New MultiRelationTestPerson saved with incorrect ID.' ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectsFailureWithoutRelationName() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); try { $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $mother, 'MultiRelationTestPerson' ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on getRelatedObjects() without relation name.' ); } catch ( ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException $e ) {} } public function testGetRelatedObjectFailureWithoutRelationName() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); try { $this->session->getRelatedObject( $mother, 'MultiRelationTestPerson' ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on getRelatedObjects() without relation name.' ); } catch ( ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException $e ) {} } public function testGetRelatedObjectsSuccessMotherChild() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $children = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $mother, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'mothers_children' ); $this->assertEquals( 3, count( $children ), 'Number of found children incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 3, $children[0]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 4, $children[1]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 5, $children[2]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); } public function testFindRelatedObjectsSuccessMotherChild() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $q = $this->session->createRelationFindQuery( $mother, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'mothers_children' ); $children = $this->session->find( $q ); $this->assertEquals( 3, count( $children ), 'Number of found children incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 3, $children[0]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 4, $children[1]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 5, $children[2]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectSuccessFatherChild() { $father = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 2 ); $children = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $father, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'fathers_children' ); $this->assertEquals( 3, count( $children ), 'Number of found children incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 3, $children[0]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 4, $children[1]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); $this->assertEquals( 5, $children[2]->id, 'First child fetched incorrect.' ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectSuccessChildMother() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 3 ); $mother = $this->session->getRelatedObject( $child, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'mother' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $mother->id, 'Mother fetched incorrectly for child 3' ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectSuccessChildFather() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 4 ); $father = $this->session->getRelatedObject( $child, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'father' ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $father->id, 'Father fetched incorrectly for MultiRelationTestPerson 4' ); } public function testGetRelatedObjectsSuccessSiblings() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 3 ); $siblings = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $child, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'siblings' ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $siblings ), 'Siblings not correctly found for MultiRelationTestPerson 3' ); } public function testAddObjectsFailureWithoutRelationName() { $newChild = new MultiRelationTestPerson(); $newChild->name = "New child"; $this->session->save( $newChild ); $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); try { $this->session->addRelatedObject( $mother, $newChild ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on addRelatedObject() without relation name.' ); } catch ( ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException $e ) {} } public function testAddRelatedObjectOneToManySuccess() { $newChild = new MultiRelationTestPerson(); $newChild->name = "New child"; $this->session->save( $newChild ); $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $this->session->addRelatedObject( $mother, $newChild, 'mothers_children' ); $this->assertEquals( $mother->id, $newChild->mother, 'New MultiRelationTestPerson child not added correctly' ); } public function testAddRelatedObjectManyToManySuccess() { $newSibling = new MultiRelationTestPerson(); $newSibling->name = "New child"; $this->session->save( $newSibling ); $sibling = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 3 ); $this->session->addRelatedObject( $sibling, $newSibling, 'siblings' ); $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( '*' ) ->from( 'PO_sibling' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'sibling' ), $q->bindValue( $newSibling->id ) ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $rows ), 'Incorrect number of relation records.' ); $this->assertEquals( $sibling->id, $rows[0]['person'], 'Incorrect perso ID in relation record.' ); } public function testRemoveObjectsFailureWithoutRelationName() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $children = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $mother, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'mothers_children' ); try { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $mother, $children[0] ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on removeRelatedObject() without relation name.' ); } catch ( ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException $e ) {} } public function testRemoveRelatedObjectSuccessMotherChildren() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $children = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $mother, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'mothers_children' ); foreach( $children as $child ) { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $mother, $child, 'mothers_children' ); $this->assertNull( $child->mother, "MultiRelationTestPerson child {$child->id} not correctly removed from mother." ); $this->assertNotNull( $child->father, "MultiRelationTestPerson child {$child->id} also removed from father instead from mother only." ); } } public function testRemoveRelatedObjectSuccessFatherChildren() { $father = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 2 ); $children = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $father, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'fathers_children' ); foreach( $children as $child ) { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $father, $child, 'fathers_children' ); $this->assertNull( $child->father, "MultiRelationTestPerson child {$child->id} not correctly removed from father." ); $this->assertNotNull( $child->mother, "MultiRelationTestPerson child {$child->id} also removed from mother instead from father only." ); } } public function testRemoveRelatedObjectFailureChildMother() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 3 ); $mother = $this->session->getRelatedObject( $child, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'mother' ); try { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $child, $mother, 'mother' ); $this->fail( "MultiRelationTestPerson correctly removed from mother although relation is marked reverse." ); } catch ( ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException $e ) {} } public function testRemoveRelatedObjectFailureChildFather() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 4 ); $father = $this->session->getRelatedObject( $child, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'father' ); try { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $child, $father, 'father' ); $this->fail( "MultiRelationTestPerson correctly removed from father although relation is marked reverse." ); } catch ( ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException $e ) {} } public function testRemoveRelatedObjectSuccessSiblings() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 3 ); $siblings = $this->session->getRelatedObjects( $child, 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 'siblings' ); foreach ( $siblings as $sibling ) { $this->session->removeRelatedObject( $child, $sibling, 'siblings' ); } $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( '*' ) ->from( 'PO_sibling' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'person' ), $q->bindValue( $child->id ) ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $rows ), 'Incorrect number of relation records after removing all siblings.' ); } public function testDeleteCascade() { $mother = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 1 ); $this->session->delete( $mother ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'MultiRelationTestPerson' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( 'mother', $q->bindValue( 1 ) ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $rows ), "Cascading while deleting MultiRelationTestPerson mother did not work." ); } public function testDeleteNoCascade() { $father = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 2 ); $this->session->delete( $father ); $q = $this->session->createFindQuery( 'MultiRelationTestPerson' ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( 'father', $q->bindValue( 2 ) ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $this->assertNotEquals( 0, count( $rows ), "Cascaded while deleting MultiRelationTestPerson father while cascade was not desired." ); } public function testRemoveRelatioRecordsOnDeleteSiblings() { $child = $this->session->load( 'MultiRelationTestPerson', 3 ); $this->session->delete( $child ); $q = $this->session->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( '*' ) ->from( 'PO_sibling' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->session->database->quoteIdentifier( 'person' ), $q->bindValue( $child->id ) ) ); $stmt = $q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $rows ), 'Incorrect number of relation records after removing all siblings.' ); } } ?>