array( 'File', 'Translation', ), 'Debug' => array( 'EventLog', ), 'EventLog' => array( 'Database', 'EventLogDatabaseTiein', ), 'PersistentObject' => array( 'DatabaseSchema', ), 'TreePersistentObjectTiein' => array( 'Database', 'TreeDatabaseTiein', ), 'WorkflowEventLogTiein' => array( 'Database', 'WorkflowDatabaseTiein', ), 'Webdav' => array( 'File' ), ); // Data source names $dsns = array( 'mysql' => 'mysql://ezctest@localhost/ezctest', // @TODO: An SQLite on disc DB should also be provided! // 'sqlite' => 'sqlite://$\{$basedir}/build/tmp/test.sqlite', 'sqlite' => 'sqlite://:memory:', ); // Generate list of PHP installations (5.* ensures to not grab the pear/ dir) $phps = glob( PHP_BASE_PATH . '/5.*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ); array_walk( $phps, function ( &$value, $key ) { $value = basename( $value ); } ); /* * * Do not change anything below this line! * */ $ignoreDirs = array_merge( array( 'autoload', 'extract', 'PHPUnit', 'run-test-tmp', '.svn', ), $ignoreComponents ); $dirsToCreate = array( '', '/source', '/trunk', '/build', '/build/api', '/build/coverage', '/build/logs', '/build/tmp', ); $config = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance(); $config->templatePath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/templates'; $config->compilePath = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/templates_c'; $dirsToCreate = array( '', '/source', '/build', '/build/api', '/build/coverage', '/build/logs', '/build/tmp', ); $componentPaths = glob( CC_PROJECT_PATH . '/ezc/source/trunk/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ); $componentNames = array(); foreach ( $componentPaths as $componentPath ) { $componentName = basename( $componentPath ); if ( in_array( $componentName, $ignoreDirs ) ) { // Skip non-components continue; } $componentNames[] = $componentName; $componentDepsFile = $componentPath . '/DEPS'; $componentDeps = is_file( $componentDepsFile ) ? file( $componentDepsFile ) : array(); foreach ( $componentDeps as $id => $depEntry ) { $depParts = explode( ':', $depEntry ); $componentDeps[$id] = trim( $depParts[0] ); } if ( isset( $additionalDependenecies[$componentName] ) ) { $componentDeps = array_merge( $componentDeps, $additionalDependenecies[$componentName] ); } // Add additional deps if ( strpos( $componentName, 'Database' ) !== false || in_array( 'Database', $componentDeps ) ) { $componentDeps[] = 'Database'; $componentDeps[] = 'DatabaseSchema'; $componentDeps[] = 'PersistentObject'; } $componentDeps[] = 'Base'; $componentDeps[] = 'UnitTest'; $componentDeps[] = 'ConsoleTools'; // Remove duplicate deps $componentDeps = array_unique( $componentDeps ); $ccComponentPath = CC_PROJECT_PATH . "/ezc$componentName"; foreach ( $dirsToCreate as $createPath ) { $path = $ccComponentPath . $createPath; if ( !is_dir( $path ) ) { mkdir( $path ) || die( "Coulnd not create component path $path.\n" ); // echo "Would create dir '$path'\n"; } } // Symlink scripts/ $ccLinkPath = $ccComponentPath . '/source/scripts'; if ( !is_link( $ccLinkPath ) ) { symlink( CC_PROJECT_PATH . '/ezc/source/scripts', $ccLinkPath ) || die( "Could not create link $ccLinkPath.\n" ); } foreach ( $componentDeps as $dep ) { $depPath = "$ccComponentPath/source/trunk/$dep"; $depSvn = "$dep"; if ( !is_dir( $depPath ) ) { echo "New checkout $depPath\n"; `svn co $depSvn $depPath`; } else { echo "Found dep $depPath\n"; } } $coPath = "$ccComponentPath/source/trunk/$componentName"; $svnPath = "$componentName"; if ( !is_dir( $coPath ) ) { `svn co $svnPath $coPath`; } $tpl = new ezcTemplate(); $tpl->send->componentName = $componentName; $tpl->send->componentDeps = $componentDeps; $tpl->send->needsDatabase = in_array( 'Database', $componentDeps ) || strpos( $componentName, 'Database' ); $tpl->send->phps = $phps; $tpl->send->phpBasePath = PHP_BASE_PATH; $tpl->send->dsns = $dsns; $tpl->send->phpCcVersion = PHP_CC_VERSION; if ( $debug ) { echo " Would put the following to $ccComponentPath/build.xml:\n"; echo $tpl->process( 'build.xml.tpl' ) . "\n\n"; } else { file_put_contents( $ccComponentPath . '/build.xml', $tpl->process( 'build.xml.tpl' ) ) || die( "Could not write build.xml for component $componentName.\n" ); } $componentsDeps[$componentName] = $componentDeps; } $tpl = new ezcTemplate(); $tpl->send->components = $componentNames; $tpl->send->deps = $componentsDeps; if ( $debug ) { echo CC_PATH . '/config.xml' . "\n"; echo $tpl->process( 'config.xml.tpl' ) . "\n\n"; } else { file_put_contents( CC_PATH . '/config.xml', $tpl->process( 'config.xml.tpl' ) ) || die( "Could not write config.xml\n" ); } ?>