  • Timeout - {@link parseTimeoutHeader()}
  • *
  • If - {@link parseIfHeader()}
  • *
  • Lock-Token - {@link parseLockTokenHeader()}
  • * * * @package Webdav * @version 1.1.2 * * @access private */ class ezcWebdavLockHeaderHandler { /** * Parses the Timeout header content. * * Parses the Timeout header. Might return an empty array, in case no * Timeout header is present or none of the values in the header could be * parsed. The values of the returned array are seconds and indicate the * number of seconds, that the client wishes the lock to disappear after it * was created or used the last time. * * @return array(int) */ public function parseTimeoutHeader() { if ( !isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_TIMEOUT'] ) ) { return null; } $result = array(); $content = explode( ', ', $_SERVER['HTTP_TIMEOUT'] ); foreach ( $content as $timeVal ) { // Sanitize $timeVal = trim( $timeVal ); // We only react on 'Second-' values for now if ( substr( $timeVal, 0, 7 ) === 'Second-' ) { $result[] = (int) substr( $timeVal, 7 ); continue; } // Ignore all other for now. // @TODO: Let's see, what clients send. } return $result; } /** * Parses either type of If header content. * * Returns an {@link ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderList} or null, if the header was * not submitted. * * @return ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderList * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ public function parseIfHeader() { if ( !isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF'] ) ) { return null; } $headerContent = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF']; if ( $headerContent[0] === '<' ) { return $this->parseTaggedList( $headerContent ); } else { return $this->parseNonTagList( $headerContent ); } } /** * Parses the Lock-Token header. * * Trims the < and > from a given lock token in the Lock-Token header. * * @return string|null */ public function parseLockTokenHeader() { if ( !isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN'] ) ) { return null; } // Strip < and > return substr( trim( $_SERVER['HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN'] ), 1, -1 ); } /** * Parses tagged If header content. * * This method parses content of an If header that is tagged. The content has the format: * * * <http://www.foo.bar/resource1> (<locktoken:a-write-lock-token> [W/"A weak ETag"]) (["strong ETag"]) <http://www.bar.bar/random>: (["another strong ETag"]) * * * @param string $content * @return void * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ protected function parseTaggedList( $content ) { $len = strlen( $content ); $i = 0; $list = new ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderTaggedList(); $items = array(); while ( $i < $len ) { switch ( $content[$i] ) { case '<': if ( $items !== array() ) { // Store last parsed list $list[$currentPath] = $items; $items = array(); } ++$i; $currentPath = $this->parseTagPath( $content, $len, $i ); break; case '(': ++$i; $items[] = $this->parseConditionList( $content, $len, $i ); break; case ' ': case "\t": case "\n": // skip break; default: throw new ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException( 'If', $content, "Headers without invalid character '{$content[$i]}' in tagged list, position $i" ); } ++$i; } $list[$currentPath] = $items; return $list; } /** * Parses the tag of a tagged list. * * @param string $content * @param int $len * @param int $i * @return string * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ protected function parseTagPath( $content, $len, &$i ) { $uri = ''; while ( $i < $len && $content[$i] !== '>' ) { $uri .= $content[$i++]; } ++$i; return ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->pathFactory->parseUriToPath( $uri ); } /** * Parses not-tagged If header content. * * This method parses content of an If header that is tagged. The content has the format: * * * (<locktoken:a-write-lock-token> [W/"A weak ETag"]) (["strong ETag"])(["another strong ETag"]) * * * @param string $content * @return ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderNoTagList * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ protected function parseNonTagList( $content ) { $len = strlen( $content ); $i = 0; $items = array(); while ( $i < $len ) { switch ( $content[$i] ) { case '(': ++$i; $items[] = $this->parseConditionList( $content, $len, $i ); break; case ' ': case "\t": case "\n": // ignore break; default: throw new ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException( 'If', $content, "Headers without invalid character '{$content[$id]}' in non-tagged list, position $i" ); } ++$i; } return new ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderNoTagList( $items ); } /** * Parses a list of lock tokens and etags into a list item. * * @param string $content * @param int $len * @param int $i * @return ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderListItem * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ protected function parseConditionList( $content, $len, &$i ) { $lockTokens = array(); $eTags = array(); $negated = false; // Walk complete list and scan tokens/etags while ( $i < $len && $content[$i] !== ')' ) { switch ( $content[$i] ) { case '<': ++$i; $lockToken = $this->parseLockToken( $content, $len, $i ); if ( $negated ) { $lockToken->negated = true; } $lockTokens[] = $lockToken; $negated = false; break; case '[': ++$i; $eTag = $this->parseEtag( $content, $len, $i ); if ( $negated ) { $eTag->negated = true; } $eTags[] = $eTag; $negated = false; break; case 'N': case 'n': if ( strtolower( substr( $content, $i, 3 ) ) === 'not' ) { $negated = true; } $i += 3; break; case ' ': case "\t": case "\n": // ignore break; default: throw new ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException( 'If', $content, "Headers without invalid character '{$content[$i]}' in etag/lock-token list, position $i" ); } ++$i; } return new ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderListItem( $lockTokens, $eTags, $negated ); } /** * Parses a single lock token. * * @param string $content * @param int $len * @param int $i * @return string * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ protected function parseLockToken( $content, $len, &$i ) { $token = ''; while ( $i < $len && $content[$i] !== '>' ) { $token .= $content[$i++]; } return new ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderCondition( $token ); } /** * Parses a single ETag. * * Attention, this method ignores weak tags, since the whole Webdav * component does not support those. * * @param string $content * @param int $len * @param int $i * @return string * * @throws ezcWebdavInvalidHeaderException * if any unexpected character occurs while parsing. */ protected function parseEtag( $content, $len, &$i ) { $etag = ''; while ( $i < $len && $content[$i] !== ']' ) { switch ( $content[$i] ) { case '/': // ETag marked as weak, ignore parts before $etag = ''; break; case '"': // Etag wrapped in "", ignore break; default: $etag .= $content[$i]; break; } ++$i; } return new ezcWebdavLockIfHeaderCondition( $etag ); } } ?>