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  • * * to determine the server configuration. It then examines incoming URIs to * determine which parts must be stripped an reconstructs the information when * serializing a path back to a URI. * * @version 1.1.2 * @package Webdav */ class ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory implements ezcWebdavPathFactory { /** * Caches paths that are a collection. * * Those will get a '/' appended on re-serialization. Works only if they * had been unserialized before. * * @var array(string=>bool) * * @apichange This property will be renamed to $collectionPaths in the next * major release. */ protected $collectionPathes = array(); /** * Base path on the server. * * Auto-detected during __construct(). * * @var string */ protected $serverFile; /** * Creates a new path factory. * * Creates a new path factory to be used in {@link * ezcWebdavServerConfiguration}. This path factory automatically detects * information from the running web server and automatically determines the * suitable values for parsing paths and generating URIs. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { // Get Docroot and ensure proper definition if ( !isset( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ) ) { throw new ezcWebdavMissingServerVariableException( 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ); } // Ensure trailing slash in doc root. $docRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if ( substr( $docRoot, -1, 1 ) !== '/' ) { $docRoot .= '/'; } // Get script filename if ( !isset( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ) ) { throw new ezcWebdavMissingServerVariableException( 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ); } $scriptFileName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; // Get script path absolute to doc root $this->serverFile = '/' . str_replace( $docRoot, '', $scriptFileName ); } /** * Parses the given URI to a path suitable to be used in the backend. * * This method retrieves a URI (either full qualified or relative) and * translates it into a local path, which can be understood by the {@link * ezcWebdavBackend} instance used in the {@link ezcWebdavServer}. * * A locally understandable path MUST NOT contain a trailing slash, but * MUST always contain a starting slash. For the root URI the path "/" MUST * be used. * * @param string $uri * @return string */ public function parseUriToPath( $uri ) { $requestPath = parse_url( $uri, PHP_URL_PATH ); $serverBase = dirname( $this->serverFile ); // Check for request path including index.php if ( strpos( $requestPath, $this->serverFile ) === 0 ) { $path = substr( $requestPath, strlen( $this->serverFile ) ); } // Check for request path without index.php, but with some root to cut else if ( $serverBase !== '/' && strpos( $requestPath, $serverBase ) === 0 ) { $path = substr( $requestPath, strlen( $serverBase ) ); $this->serverFile = $serverBase; } // Already a good path, just use it else { $path = $requestPath; $this->serverFile = ''; } if ( substr( $path, -1, 1 ) === '/' ) { $path = substr( $path, 0, -1 ); $this->collectionPathes[$path] = true; } elseif ( isset( $this->collectionPathes[$path] ) ) { unset( $this->collectionPathes[$path] ); } return ( is_string( $path ) && $path !== '' ? $path : '/' ); } /** * Generates a URI from a local path. * * This method receives a local $path string, representing a resource in * the {@link ezcWebdavBackend} and translates it into a full qualified URI * to be used as external reference. * * @param string $path * @return string */ public function generateUriFromPath( $path ) { return 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) . $this->serverFile . $path . ( isset( $this->collectionPathes[$path] ) ? '/' : '' ); } } ?>