assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*)', 'transportClass' => 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'ezcWebdavXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)' ); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'ezcWebdavXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'ezcWebdavCustomTransport' ); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'ezcWebdavCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'ezcWebdavXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool' ); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'fooCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'fooCustomPropertyHandler' ); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'fooCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'fooCustomHeaderHandler' ); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'fooCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory() ); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'fooCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory(), ), 'properties', $cfg, 'Default properties not created correctly on empty ctor.' ); } public function testCtorFailure() { $typicalFails = array( '', 23, 23.42, true, false, array(), new stdClass(), ); $typicalValid = 'fooSomeClass'; $validCtorParams = array( $typicalValid, // userAgentRegex $typicalValid, // transportClass $typicalValid, // xmlToolClass $typicalValid, // propertyHandlerClass $typicalValid, // headerHandlerClass new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), // pathFactory ); $invalidCtorParams = array( $typicalFails, // userAgentRegex $typicalFails, // transportClass $typicalFails, // xmlToolClass $typicalFails, // propertyHandlerClass $typicalFails, // headerHandlerClass array_merge( $typicalFails, array( 'foo' ) ), // pathFactory ); foreach ( $invalidCtorParams as $id => $paramSet ) { $params = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $id; ++$i ) { $params[$i] = $validCtorParams[$i]; } foreach ( $paramSet as $param ) { $params[$id] = $param; $this->assertCtorFailure( $params, ( $i !== 5 ? 'ezcBaseValueException' : 'PHPUnit_Framework_Error' ) ); } } } public function testGetPropertiesDefaultSuccess() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $defaults = array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*)', 'transportClass' => 'ezcWebdavTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'ezcWebdavXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'ezcWebdavHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(), ); foreach ( $defaults as $property => $value ) { $this->assertEquals( $value, $cfg->$property, "Property $property has incorrect default." ); } } public function testGetPropertiesFromCtorSuccess() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory() ); $values = array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'fooCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory(), ); foreach ( $values as $property => $value ) { $this->assertEquals( $value, $cfg->$property, "Property $property has incorrect value after ctor setting." ); } } public function testGetPropertiesFailure() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); try { echo $cfg->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( 'Property not thrown on get access of non-existent property.' ); } public function testSetPropertiesGetPropertiesSuccess() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $values = array( 'userAgentRegex' => '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'transportClass' => 'fooCustomTransport', 'xmlToolClass' => 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'propertyHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'headerHandlerClass' => 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', 'pathFactory' => new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory(), ); foreach( $values as $property => $value ) { $cfg->$property = $value; } $this->assertAttributeEquals( $values, 'properties', $cfg ); foreach ( $values as $property => $value ) { $this->assertEquals( $value, $cfg->$property, "Property $property has incorrect value after ctor setting." ); } } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $typicalFails = array( '', 23, 23.42, true, false, array(), new stdClass(), ); $invalidValues = array( 'userAgentRegex' => $typicalFails, 'transportClass' => $typicalFails, 'xmlToolClass' => $typicalFails, 'propertyHandlerClass' => $typicalFails, 'headerHandlerClass' => $typicalFails, 'pathFactory' => array_merge( $typicalFails, array( 'foo' ) ), ); foreach ( $invalidValues as $propertyName => $propertyValues ) { $this->assertSetPropertyFailure( $propertyName, $propertyValues, 'ezcBaseValueException' ); } try { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $cfg->fooBar = 23; $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on set access to non-existent property.' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ){} } public function testPropertiesIssetAccessDefaultCtorSuccess() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $properties =array( 'userAgentRegex', 'transportClass', 'xmlToolClass', 'propertyHandlerClass', 'headerHandlerClass', 'pathFactory', ); foreach( $properties as $propertyName ) { $this->assertTrue( isset( $cfg->$propertyName ), "Property not set after default construction: '$propertyName'." ); } } public function testPropertiesIssetAccessNonDefaultCtorSuccess() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory() ); $properties =array( 'userAgentRegex', 'transportClass', 'xmlToolClass', 'propertyHandlerClass', 'headerHandlerClass', 'pathFactory', ); foreach( $properties as $propertyName ) { $this->assertTrue( isset( $cfg->$propertyName ), "Property not set after default construction: '$propertyName'." ); } } public function testPropertyIssetAccessFailure() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $this->assertFalse( isset( $cfg->foo ), 'Non-existent property $foo seems to be set.' ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $cfg->properties ), 'Non-existent property $properties seems to be set.' ); } public function testGetTransportInstanceSuccessDefaultCtor() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $server = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $cfg->configure( $server ); $pathFactory = new ezcWebdavAutomaticPathFactory(); $xmlTool = new ezcWebdavXmlTool(); $propertyHandler = new ezcWebdavPropertyHandler(); $transport = new ezcWebdavTransport(); $this->assertEquals( $xmlTool, $server->xmlTool ); $this->assertEquals( $pathFactory, $server->pathFactory ); $this->assertEquals( $propertyHandler, $server->propertyHandler ); $this->assertEquals( $transport, $server->transport ); } public function testGetTransportInstanceSuccessNonDefaultCtor() { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*Nautilus.*)', 'fooCustomTransport', 'fooCustomXmlTool', 'fooCustomPropertyHandler', 'fooCustomHeaderHandler', new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory( '' ) ); $server = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $cfg->configure( $server ); $xmlTool = new fooCustomXmlTool(); $pathFactory = new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory( '' ); $propertyHandler = new fooCustomPropertyHandler(); $headerHandler = new fooCustomHeaderHandler(); $transport = new fooCustomTransport(); $this->assertEquals( $xmlTool, $server->xmlTool ); $this->assertEquals( $pathFactory, $server->pathFactory ); $this->assertEquals( $propertyHandler, $server->propertyHandler ); $this->assertEquals( $transport, $server->transport ); } protected function assertCtorFailure( array $args, $exceptionClass ) { try { $cfgClass = new ReflectionClass( 'ezcWebdavServerConfiguration' ); $cfg = $cfgClass->newInstanceArgs( $args ); } catch( Exception $e ) { ( !( $e instanceof $exceptionClass ) ? var_dump( $e ) : null ); $this->assertTrue( ( $e instanceof $exceptionClass ), "Exception thrown on invalid value set of wrong exception class. '" . get_class( $e ) . "' instead of '$exceptionClass'." ); return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid argument set." ); } protected function assertSetPropertyFailure( $propertyName, array $propertyValues, $exceptionClass ) { foreach ( $propertyValues as $value ) { try { $cfg = new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration(); $cfg->$propertyName = $value; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid ___set() value for property '$propertyName'." ); } catch( Exception $e ) { $this->assertTrue( ( $e instanceof $exceptionClass ), "Exception thrown on invalid value set for property '$propertyName'. '" . get_class( $e ) . "' instead of '$exceptionClass'." ); } } } } ?>