assertSame( $srv, $srv2 ); } public function testCtor() { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $this->assertAttributeEquals( array( 'transport' => null, 'backend' => null, 'configurations' => new ezcWebdavServerConfigurationManager(), 'pluginRegistry' => new ezcWebdavPluginRegistry(), 'xmlTool' => null, 'propertyHandler' => null, 'headerHandler' => null, 'pathFactory' => null, ), 'properties', $srv ); } public function testGetPropertiesDefaultSuccess() { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $defaults = array( 'transport' => null, 'backend' => null, 'configurations' => new ezcWebdavServerConfigurationManager(), 'pluginRegistry' => new ezcWebdavPluginRegistry(), 'xmlTool' => null, 'propertyHandler' => null, 'headerHandler' => null, 'pathFactory' => null, ); foreach ( $defaults as $property => $value ) { $this->assertEquals( $value, $srv->$property, "Property $property has incorrect default." ); } } public function testGetPropertiesFailure() { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); try { echo $srv->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( 'Property not thrown on get access of non-existent property.' ); } public function testSetPropertiesGetPropertiesSuccess() { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $setValues = array( 'configurations' => new ezcWebdavServerConfigurationManager(), ); $checkValues = array( 'backend' => null, 'configurations' => new ezcWebdavServerConfigurationManager(), 'pluginRegistry' => new ezcWebdavPluginRegistry(), 'xmlTool' => null, 'propertyHandler' => null, 'headerHandler' => null, 'pathFactory' => null, 'transport' => null, ); foreach( $setValues as $property => $value ) { $srv->$property = $value; } $this->assertAttributeEquals( $checkValues, 'properties', $srv ); foreach ( $checkValues as $property => $value ) { $this->assertEquals( $value, $srv->$property, "Property $property has incorrect value after ctor setting." ); } } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $typicalFails = array( '', 23, 23.42, true, false, array(), new stdClass(), ); $invalidValues = array( 'configurations' => $typicalFails, ); foreach ( $invalidValues as $propertyName => $propertyValues ) { $this->assertSetPropertyFailure( $propertyName, $propertyValues, 'ezcBaseValueException' ); } try { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $srv->pluginRegistry = 23; $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on set access to read-only property.' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ){} try { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $srv->transport = 23; $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on set access to read-only property.' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ){} try { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $srv->fooBar = 23; $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on set access to non-existent property.' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ){} } public function testPropertiesIssetAccessDefaultCtorSuccess() { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $properties =array( 'configurations', 'backend', 'pluginRegistry', 'transport', 'xmlTool', 'propertyHandler', 'pathFactory', ); foreach( $properties as $propertyName ) { $this->assertTrue( isset( $srv->$propertyName ), "Property not set after default construction: '$propertyName'." ); } } public function testPropertyIssetAccessFailure() { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $this->assertFalse( isset( $srv->foo ), 'Non-existent property $foo seems to be set.' ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $srv->properties ), 'Non-existent property $properties seems to be set.' ); } public function testDefaultHandlerWithUnknowClient() { $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'unknown'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'OPTIONS'; $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'webdav'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/foo/bar'; $webdav = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); // Fake pathfactory, because SCRIPT_FILENAME cannot be overwritten $pathFactory = new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory( 'http://webdav/' ); foreach( $webdav->configurations as $transportCfg ) { $transportCfg->pathFactory = $pathFactory; } $backend = new ezcWebdavMemoryBackend(); // Silence warning of headers already been send, but keep other errors $errRep = error_reporting( ( E_ALL | E_STRICT ) & ~E_WARNING ); // Avoid printing response ob_start(); // Silence headers already sent warnings - we just want to test for // exceptions here. $webdav->handle( $backend ); // Clean OB res (no need to process it) $body = ob_get_clean(); // Reset old error level error_reporting( $errRep ); } public function testDefaultHandlerWithUnknowClientAdditionalHandler() { $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'unknown'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'OPTIONS'; $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'webdav'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/foo/bar'; $webdav = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $webdav->configurations->insertBefore( new ezcWebdavServerConfiguration( '(.*SomeAgent.*)', 'ezcWebdavTransportTestMock' ) ); // Fake pathfactory, because SCRIPT_FILENAME cannot be overwritten $pathFactory = new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory( 'http://webdav/' ); foreach( $webdav->configurations as $transportCfg ) { $transportCfg->pathFactory = $pathFactory; } $backend = new ezcWebdavMemoryBackend(); // Silence warning of headers already been send, but keep other errors $errRep = error_reporting( ( E_ALL | E_STRICT ) & ~E_WARNING ); // Avoid printing response ob_start(); // Silence headers already sent warnings - we just want to test for // exceptions here. $webdav->handle( $backend ); // Clean OB res (no need to process it) $body = ob_get_clean(); // Reset old error level error_reporting( $errRep ); } protected function assertSetPropertyFailure( $propertyName, array $propertyValues, $exceptionClass ) { foreach ( $propertyValues as $value ) { try { $srv = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); $srv->$propertyName = $value; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid ___set() value for property '$propertyName'." ); } catch( Exception $e ) { $this->assertTrue( ( $e instanceof $exceptionClass ), "Exception thrown on invalid value set for property '$propertyName'. '" . get_class( $e ) . "' instead of '$exceptionClass'." ); } } } } ?>