templatePath = "printer"; // ./printer directory; $c->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext(); // Use a context that doesn't do anything. $c = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance(); $c->templatePath = "html"; // ./html directory. // And another way to configure your template engine. $pdfConf = new ezcTemplateConfiguration("pdf", ".", new ezcTemplateNoContext() ); try { // Uses the default configuration. $t->process( "hello_world.ezt" ); } catch( Exception $e ) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"; } try { // Uses the printer configuration $t->process( "hello_world.ezt", ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance( "printer" ) ); } catch( Exception $e ) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"; } try { // Uses the PDF configuration. $t->configuration = $pdfConf; $t->process( "hello_world.ezt" ); } catch( Exception $e ) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n\n"; } ?>